
|| 2016 || Resolutions & A Look Back On 2015

So here it is, the dreaded new year's resolutions post! Yes some of these might be 100% cliché and yes I might realise in, say March that I haven't gone through with more than one but I still wanted to give it a go this year. I remember last year I typed up this little post explaining why I wasn't gonna make any...

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Christmas Baking: Owl Cookies

Hi guys! Happy 24th of December and a Merry Christmas to all those of you who, like me, celebrate Christmas tonight :) If you're looking for an easy peasy last minute Christmas cookie recipe then look no further! I made these delicious gingerbread spiced owl cookies yesterday and not only do they look great they also taste delicious and took no time at...

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London's Best Ramen | Bone Daddies Soho

I have been craving a good ole' bowl of ramen ever since autumn came around and the temperatures dropped. Simply because there's nothing more comforting than a warming soup with ALL the flavours on a cold and rainy London day. So naturally we made our way to Bone Daddies, just off Wardour Street in London's lovely Soho! The first thing I really liked...

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Christmas Baking: Bavarian Vanillekipferl

Happy third Sunday of advent everybody! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and therefore it's high time to get started with the Christmas baking. Last year I shared my Gingerbread Men recipe with you guys, which you can check out here, so this year I thought I would share with you something traditionally christmassy from Germany: Vanillekipferl. These delicious vanilla biscuits...

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The Super Quick Body Moisturisers Every Busy Girl Needs

So recently I seem to be in a continuous state of hurry.. I either need to be somewhere, do something, get some work done, think of Christmas presents... the list goes on. But now that I have ALL my Christmas presents - on the 6th of December! YAY for being super organised this year haha - I've finally got the time to tell...

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Autumn In Photos | Photo Diary

Woooooow... long time no see! I know I've been pretty absent from this blog for almost a month now and there will be a little blog post explaining a little more about what's been going on and why I haven't been on top of everything blog but seriously where has the past month gone?!?! It's like I blinked and October turned into December!...

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H&M Beauty | First Impressions

Hi guys! Today I wanted to share my thoughts on some of the products from H&M's new beauty range that I picked up a couple of weeks ago. I've thoroughly tested the few products I chose, which are a nail polish, a single eye shadow and a lip stain (well and nail polish remover as you can see from the photo above but...

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Wilderness | Photo Diary | London Life

I'm coming at you with another photo diary! Yes I'm beginning to think I've missed my true calling as a nature and cityscape photographer haha! But last week me and my equally as photo-taking-mad friend Helen met up in Richmond to explore the wilderness that is Richmond Park. I guess by now you guys can sense a theme in my preferred London locations.....

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Lunch at Tanya's Chelsea

So last Saturday me and my friend Helen started our day with a healthy power lunch at Tanya's in Chelsea. If you don't know Tanya's, it's little café that serves raw food only. There's cold pressed juices, smoothies and even an entire page of cocktails on the menu - all uncooked! Helen had been there before so I got some good tips on...

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My MAC Lipstick Collection

So last week when I went into a MAC store and came out with another two new lip product purchases I just really felt like sharing my growing collection of MAC lippies with you guys. I'm finding it harder and harder to resist buying ALL the matte lipsticks in there! My collection is also mainly made up of their matte formula lipsticks as...

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Kew Gardens & Richmond | Making London My Home | Photo Diary

So it's been a month since I moved to London and by now I've met a few new people, made friends and just realised how beautiful this city is all over again! I can't get enough of getting out and exploring different areas of this gorgeous place, so last week I got on a train to Kew Gardens and spend a sunny day...

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Let's Make Pumpkin Bread | Autumn Cooking

It's October and my favourite time of the year has finally arrived - it's autumn! :) The leaves are starting to turn all colourful in the parks of London, everything gets cosy and the knitwear's back out too! What's not to love eh? Also autumn equals pumpkins and I absolutely ADORE them. I love making pumpkin soups and if you read this post...

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L'Oréal Paris Infallible 24H-Matte Foundation | Review

I've been on the hunt for the perfect mattifying foundation for basically my entire teen+adult life. I said this before on this blog but my skin is rather oily and after spending an entire day running around the city my face tends to look a lot like freshly fried bacon (yes I am exaggerating.. but you get my point). So when I went...

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A Weekend In West London - First Steps | Photo Diary

Hello lovelies! I'm still adjusting to all the new: living in a new city, a foreign country and not really knowing anybody and all that so I struggled a little to find inspiration to blog recently. I can easily get a little discouraged to do the things I love when I'm not feeling on top of things and not at my best. But...

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Book Review | The Girl On The Train

The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins tells the story of 30 something Rachel Watson who takes the same train into London every single day, passing the same rows of houses along the tracks time and time again. Rachel herself somewhat struggles with her life. She's an alcoholic and let's just say her career and family plans didn't quite work out as...

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50 Things That Make Me Happy TAG

  I've seen this lovely little tag on Beth's blog Alphabeth and knew straight away that even though I wasn't tagged I still really wanted to write up a happy list. 50 things however seemed like quite a lot at first but there's so many little things that can turn your frown upside down that should be mentioned as well. So read on...

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My Skincare Routine

I've been wanting to do a post on my skincare routine for so long now but then always switched things around a bit and never really stuck to a set routine with set products so it never seemed like I could write a proper post on it. But things changed! I'm so happy with all the products I'm currently using and have been...

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Impressions From Bayreuth, Bavaria | Photo Diary

I love to sit in silence Beneath the shady trees And listen to the song of birds And to the buzz of bees ...

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I've been putting off writing this post for weeks now and I don't even know why. I think I was scared that in no way I could ever possibly express the excitement I feel about this in any written form. If you were here with me right now of course you'd see that massive grin plastered on my face, unerasable for weeks now,...

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Bavarian Forest National Park - A Hike | Photo Diary

Hi guys! Today I'm coming at you with a photo diary of my recent trip to the Bavarian Forest National Park. I spent a wonderful day hiking this pretty part of the country with my family breathing loads of fresh air and taking in the beautiful nature and breathtaking views. Seeing that we had temperatures above the 30 degree mark for the last...

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A Note On Thesis Writing

So as you will know if you're a regular reader of this blog, I am currently working on my thesis so that I can finally call myself a Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies come August. Well let me tell you.. thesis writing is stressful and not at all fun! I grew to dread waking up in the morning as it just meant...

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Life Lately As Told By Instagram

I haven't published a new post on here in a while as I'm being super busy with loads and loads of uni work, tiring thesis writing and not to forget the never ending think-about-your-future-write-job-applications-and-what-do-you-even-wanna-do-with-your-life worrying.. So when I've taken time off of all this I wanted to stay as far away from a computer screen as humanly possible and just hang out with...

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Clarins Eau de Jardin | Fragrance Friday

I know, I know, two Fragrance Fridays in a row! Crazy! But what with my birthday last month I had some cash to splash and finally ventured out to repurchase one of my all time favourite fragrances: Clarins' Eau de Jardin. ...

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3 Smoothies You Must Try | The Healthy Life

Yay! I'm back with yet another instalment of 'The Healthy Life'! Might this be the first series I actually stick with on this blog? Exciting times haha! Anyways, I really wanted to share some of my favourite smoothie recipes with you today as I get asked about them a lot in real life. I picked out three rather colourful ones I really like...

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Hometown Glory | Life Lately #7

The older I get, the more I realise how much I love the place I grew up in. Back in the days it was all about getting out of that suffocatingly small town and see the world and move away and find a better and cooler place to live in. I guess it's just a teenage thing eh? Anyway nowadays when I take...

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YSL Black Opium | Fragrance Friday

Today I'm talking about the newest addition to my fragrance stash. I got YSL's Black Opium for my birthday back in April and I am soooo in love with it! As I am the worst when it comes to describing fragrances I'm just gonna tell you what's in the bottle: ...

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The Creative Blogger Award

I've recently been nominated for the Creative Blogger Award, a tag that encourages us to share some not so well known facts about ourselves and thus get to know each other a bit better. I was nominated by the lovely Renee over at Lose The Road, an awesome little blog about all things lifestyle, beauty, books and more. Make sure you check out...

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Monica Vinader | Siren Stacking Ring

I had my eye the Monica Vinader ring collection for quite a while now umming and ahhing whether to get one or not. As you can see, I have made my decision now ;-) I wanted one of the Siren stacking rings but was torn between getting the Labradorite one or the Moonstone one or even maybe the Aquamarine one.. it was a...

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The Birthday Edit

Hello you gorgeous lot! It's another photo diary today! I celebrated my 25th birthday on the 14th of April and had such a nice, sun filled and warm week with family and friends. Turning 25 was somewhat scary I'll admit that much.. I mean it's literally a quarter of a century.. where did the time go?! Wasn't it only yesterday that I had...

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The Healthy Life | Salad In A Jar

Hello my lovelies, this is the second installment of my healthy life series and I hope you love it as much as I do. This salad in a jar is super easy to prep and stays fresh in the fridge for about 3 days. So if you invest a bit of time on a Sunday you can make a couple of these for...

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March Favourites

I am aware that this post is rather late but I still really wanted to share it with you. I found a couple of new things I love this past month and rediscovered some old favourites. There's a little bit of everything in this month's favourites - or in fact in any of my favourites. So here comes: ...

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Easter Weekend In Pictures | Life Lately #6

Hi guys! I hope you all had an amazingly relaxing Easter weekend with family and friends, chocolate and netflix & bed and pyjamas ;-) I loved having this long weekend to take some time out to breathe and sort out life stuff. There's just so much going on right now, massive amounts of dissertation work plus a lot of presentations and stuff for...

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Chocolate Easter Nests

Easter clearly is a reason to cheat a little on the healthy eating front. There's just too many yummy chocolatey recipes out there! So for our Easter weekend treat I decided to make some chocolate Easter nests. Usually I would use cornflakes to make them but this year I thought why not switch things up a little and use shredded wheat instead? It...

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Huge Collective Haul

  I haven't done many hauls on this blog but lately I have felt veeeery spendy so I thought why not share my purchases of the last couple of weeks. Like I said, this has been accumulated over a few weeks and I didn't just buy all of this in one trip into town (see how I'm trying to justify already?). So enough...

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The Healthy Life | Courgetti

I'd like to start this new series called 'The Healthy Life' to share my journey to a healthier lifestyle with you guys may that be recipes or fitness inspiration or whatever else I find fitting for this category. I'm starting this whole thing off with one of my favourite healthy meals - quick and easy to make, delicious and filling and completely carb-free...

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The Bedtime Tag

Hello lovely readers of this blog, today's a tag kinda day I thought. I have recently been nominated by the lovely Puja from BerryBloomXO to do the Bedtime Tag and seeing that I am in a loving relationship with my bed (we spent as much time together as we can..) I thought why the hell not?! :-) So here are my answers to...

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Weekend In Pictures | Hiking The Bavarian Countryside

Last weekend was the first proper spring like one in a long time. The sun was shining bright and warm and there was no way anybody could have wanted to stay inside! I decided to get out into the countryside for some fresh air and to take some photos on my new camera. I drove to an area close by that is known...

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Beloved London | Maggs London Makeup Bag

Last week my new makeup bag finally arrived after its long journey from London to my house. I wanted to order one of the Maggs London bags ever since they first came out as they're all so super gorgeous, but as they don't exactly come cheap (what with postage and all that) it took me a while to take the plunge. I'm so...

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Bear's Den Live | Life Lately #5

As you might know from (all) of my social media I recently went to see Bear's Den play live at Strom Club in Munich. It was AMAZING! I loved their set! It was quite an intimate show, in a small venue with not too many people crammed in and me and my friend got a spot right in front of the stage (absolutely...

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February Favourites

Wow! I can't belive I've waited almost a year to write my first favourites post! But here it is! For some reason there are quite a lot of things I found in February that I really really like therefore I couldn't just not share them! So let's get into it shall we? ...

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Delicious Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream

If you clicked on this post because you've read the word 'matcha' in the title and thought you were in for a figure friendly healthy treat.. I'm sorry to disappoint you. If you are however looking for the most AH-MAZING green tea ice cream ever - and I mean EVER - then this is the post for you! I love green tea in...

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A couple of weeks ago I picked up this little gem, the 'Beauty Book' by Neal's Yard Remedies. I knew I had to get it as soon as I saw it as I'm a big fan of 'Healing Foods' by Neal's Yard - my bible when it comes to food! I even did a post on it way back, when this blog was...

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Homeware Haul { + Cheeky Kanelbulle }

If you follow me on twitter (which you can do here) you might know that I spent Thursday roaming around IKEA and other furniture and homeware shops because after my recent mega spring clean I felt like getting some new bits and bobs for around the house. As always when I go to IKEA I can't leave the place without heading to the...

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My Favourite Youtube Workouts

Now I don't know about you but I can get quite lazy about going to the gym and find plenty of excuses why I can't or shouldn't go. That's why I love Youtube workouts, they're there whenever and wherever you need them and if the mood strikes you can just jump in your gym gear and go whereas going to the gym means...

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Energy-Boosting Lemon & Ginger Tea

As I am currently off uni and therefore don't have to rush in the mornings most days, I take a little more time for breakfast and starting my day right. A big part of this is making myself an energy-boosting lemon and ginger tea. Not only does it taste amazing, it's also super healthy! A cup of this gives your immune system the...

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Fluffy American Style Pancakes | Pancake Day 2015

This Tuesday is pancake day and that means my blog is almost 1 year old!! My first post went up on last year's pancake day in early March and I posted some pictures of our feast and what we got up to. If you fancy taking a look you can check it out here. So one year on and pancake day's upon us...

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Skincare Haul | Origins

No, you're eyes aren't playing tricks on you! It's true! It's real! I'm alive and posting! I'm so sorry for the long silence on here but I've been super busy with uni this last month and didn't really find much time for blogging let alone find the inspiration for a blog post as I've literally been sat at my desk studying all day...

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Healthy And Colourful Couscous Salad

Today I thought I'd share with you a little recipe I absolutely love to make because it's quick and easy and basically works with whatever you got in the fridge. And it's healthy and filling at the same time - what's not to like? So let's get started! ...

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Books I Read In 2014

Hello there you lovely lot and a very happy new year to you all! I have been thinking about my first post of the new year for quite a while unsure weather to write the almost -it seems - obligatory "My Resolutions For The New Year" post or the just as commonly posted "A Look Back At My 2014" but I decided against...

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