

Hi, I'm Jess, bibliophile, foodie and writer of this little blog! I've been blogging my heart out about all the things I love in life for a couple of years already and there's no stopping me now! I have been living in London on and off for some time so that's a big influence on me and this blog as you sure know if you've been following my journey for a while. I currently live and work close to Nuremberg, Germany.

I love a good cuppa, enjoy live music, read lots and lots and all the time, take photos wherever I go and have been bitten by the travel bug ever since I went to live abroad when I was nineteen. Moving to London and then Paris has changed me as a person in so many ways - all positive - travel after all is the only thing we buy that makes us richer eh? :-) 

I hope you enjoy reading this little blog please do comment to let me know ;)

Thanks for reading!

Jess xx