
What's In My Carry On Bag - London Edition

Friday, September 19, 2014

So on Saturday it's finally time for me to go to London again for a little holiday with my best friend and I couldn't be more excited! I've been planning what we're gonna do and where we're gonna go for weeks now so it seems almost surreal that we're finally actually going! However much I love travelling and spending time abroad I really could do without the packing part of it. I'm always planning this far ahead so I won't forget anything but especially round this time of the year it's a bit of nightmare as you just don't really know what the weather is gonna throw at you and a careful warm-cold-clothing-balance must be found. However what I really enjoy doing is packing my hand luggage. As my friend and I will share a big suitcase, my hand luggage really only consists of a nice handbag with all my travel essentials thrown in there. So let's get started, here's what I'll take on the plane with me:

  • My calendar/notebook to keep up to date with everything
  • A book in case I get a bit bored on the plane. This one is Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
  • My glasses, to give my eyes some rest
  • My favourite little pillow from Walgreens which enabled me to sleep through almost my entire flight back home from Chicago last year
  • My passport - essential!
  • My Ray Bans - early morning flights require eye coverage
  • My trusty old Primark umbrella
  • My wallet and some British Pounds (this also got my Oyster card, my Boots advantage card and all the other London essentials in it)
  • A hand sanitizer because I will be on public transport a lot..
  • Tissues
  • Some cashew nuts to prevent me from getting hangry
  • Neutrogena hand cream because I never leave the house without one
  • Compeed blister blasters, because clubbing, shopping and just generally walking round London all day can sometimes end in ugly blisters.. these work wonders!
  • Headphones
  • My iPhone charger
  • A travel adapter so that I can actually make use of that charger
  • My camera because I just love taking photos of everything really and I also want to show you guys what I've been up to in the Big Smoke
  • My iPhone (not pictured above.. I don't know why..)

So that's all that's gonna come with in my carry on bag. I hope I didn't forget anything vital but I think I should be fine. I'm gonna go spend the next couple of hours being hyper excited now and will see you next week with a new Seasonal Synopsis post as well as probably a very London heavy post :)

Jess x

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3 Kommentare

  1. I've nominated you to do the leibster award, hope you do it. http://rebeccaanneox.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/leibster-award.html :) x

    1. Thanks for nominating me Rebecca! I have done the Liebster Award aready but have since been nominated a couple of times so I will try and do it again answering some of your questions as well as the others I've been asked! I'll let you know ;) x

  2. I've nominated you to do the leibster award, hope you do it.
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