|| 2016 || Resolutions & A Look Back On 2015
Thursday, December 31, 2015So here it is, the dreaded new year's resolutions post! Yes some of these might be 100% cliché and yes I might realise in, say March that I haven't gone through with more than one but I still wanted to give it a go this year. I remember last year I typed up this little post explaining why I wasn't gonna make any resolutions for 2015 simply because the whole year ahead seemed so daunting and scary and unpredictable - crazy to think that that was 12 whole months ago!
So much happened in these past 12 months, good and bad but mainly I dare say it was a pretty awesome year! In the summer I finished University with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and it's a pretty good degree too! I'm proud of what I achieved and that all that hard work paid off and now shows in a nice certificate that I needn't be afraid to show around :-) After that I was able to move back to London, a city I will forever be in love with, and spent the past four and a half months there making amazing friends and enjoying every last minute of my time there! I'm incredibly glad that I did what I did because I wouldn't wanna miss that time or the people I met and experiences I made. I know I kept this pretty quiet til now but I moved back to my lovely German hometown just before Christmas and will now hopefully start my dream career as of next year here in Germany. That is another decision I had to make in 2015 that wasn't easy but I'm sure now that it was the right step in the right direction and I'm curious to see what the future will bring on the job and career front.
But enough emotional rambling about the year that'll be history in no more than 16 hours.. Let's make resolutions for the year ahead! And try our best to keep every single one of them! So here's my
2016 Resolutions:
Read more books
This is very important to me! I really really read waaaay too few books this past year! And I don't even have much of an excuse! I didn't manage more than 10 books last year and that's just not me! I usually read loads and all the time and I buy books over books that have no space on my shelves anymore just because I love reading and getting new books.. but this year.. I don't know what happened! I mean obviously I read about 70 books on different topics to do with my thesis and yes that took up a lot of time and adding these in would clearly up my numbers but I think I should stick to fiction and books I read in my free time, stories that enabled me to dream myself to far away places and stories that still stick with me today. So long story short I want to read more and publish more book reviews on here as well :)
Travel to new places
I always enjoyed travelling, seeing new places and learning about different cultures but moving to London really inspired me to do much more travelling this year! I met lots of new people from all sorts of countries all over the world and I would love to visit them in their countries and see how they live and maybe even learn a few more bits and pieces of some foreign languages! I'm also planning on taking the time to visit old friends I met on travels in the past! My best friends from my au pair time in London who I don't see often enough but wish we could spend much more time together! And all my close friends from my au pair time in Paris, seeing Audrey in Ireland would be grand and is an absolute MUST on my travel list this year! IT WILL HAPPEN!
Eat more healthily & workout regularly
Yeah.. not news to anyone I guess.. you might have heard and read this one a thousand times, maybe it's even one of your resolutions as well but it had to be included. I'd say all in all I eat rather healthily already. I just have too much of a sweet tooth that's the problem (or one of them.. haha) so yeah, in 2016 I wanna make the conscious effort to cook mainly healthy foods and stick to a regular workout routine.
Stick to a regular blogging schedule
This year my blogging schedule has been all over the place.. there were months with none or close to no posts and there was definitely no such thing as regularity. This year I wanna plan ahead more and with all the uni stress out of the way I don't see why it shouldn't work. I got a lot of posts for January lined up already and ideas just seemed to come easily for the next month so look forward to a new post every Thursday and Sunday :-)
So these are my New Year's resolutions! What about you? Did you make resolutions for the year ahead? And do you usually follow through with all of them? Let me know in the comments below. So that's all from me, I'm off to party into the new year later and still need to sort my outfit, panic will ensue, so I wish you all a good start into the new year and that it'll bring all you want it to :-)
Lots of Love,
Jess x
Jess x
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