
Life Lately #4

I thought it was high time I did another picture heavy Life Lately post seeing that the last one's gone up in September and I finally got my brand spanking new DSLR which means I've been snapping away A LOT! Also I think blog photography will improve quite a bit with my new camera friend here so look forward to more HD in...

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Merry Christmas, Happy Boxing Day!

Hello you lovely lot! It's boxing day today so you're either engrossed in all your presents or busy with the Christmas sales.. however I wanted to take this (rather late) opportunity to wish you all a merry Christmas! I hope you all had an amazing couple of days with your family and friends eating loads and loads of good food and getting tipsy...

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*NEW IN* WoodWick Evening Bonfire Scented Candle

Recently I missed my train home from uni by about 2 minutes which meant I had some time to kill at the station. Obviously I went straight to the book shop but instead of leaving with a new book I bought the most awesome scented candle ever!! (My mum would disagree with me on that - but beauty is in the eye of...

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Warming Chicken Soup With An Asian Twist

When you are feeling a bit low or are battling a nasty cold there is nothing better than a warming soup to lift your spirits. As a little twist on the ever so famous chicken noodle soup I decided to share my favourite Asian inspired chicken soup with you today, just to spice things up a little. ...

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First Christmas Baking: Gingerbread Men & Women

For the first advent last Sunday I decided to finally do some Christmas baking and make my first batch of biscuits. I decided to follow a German recipe for Pfefferkuchen or Lebkuchen so I ventured out to get some biscuit cutters in the form of a gingerbread man and a Christmas tree and all the other ingredients I needed and got my bake...

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How To Get Into The Christmas Spirit 101

  Only 21 days til Christmas! It's about time we got all the presents sorted and got into a festive mood. If you, like me, are really stressed out with studying at the minute and can barely find the time for a festive thought I suggest you follow this super easy 8 steps "tutorial" on how to get into the Christmas spirit in...

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Breakfast: Winter Porridge

In the cold winter months there is nothing I enjoy more than getting up in the morning and starting my day with a nice warm bowl of porridge. It's the most comforting breakfast ever and it gives you all the energy you need to start your day right! Recently I changed my usual 'recipe' up a bit to what I like to call...

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Music I'm Currently Obsessed With: Bear's Den

Okay so Bear's Den is not exactly breaking news anymore I am aware of that. Actually I think if you haven't heard of them before now you might just be living under a rock. Last year I was listening to their song 'Agape' on repeat after it's been featured on XFM's 'Great X-Pectations' list, where they feature up and coming artists that they...

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Favourite Moisturising Lip Balms

When I recently cleared out my make up collection I came across quite a few lip balms. I definitely own enough to last me for the next two years plus. So I thought I'd pick out my favourite ones and newest additions and share them with you today. ...

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My Healthy 3-Ingredients-Cookies (dairy and gluten free!)

When I recently had a look through my mum's cookbook selection I came across a couple of books on wholefoods for toddlers that my mum bought back in the days when I was little. Intrigued to see what my mum's been cooking up for me back then I had a little flick through and found some cool recipes that I think don't only...

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The 'Me Time' TAG

When I saw Esteé from Essiebutton and Amelia aka Amelia Liana do this tag on Estée's Youtube channel I just new I had to get involved! I mean I LIVE FOR 'ME TIME'! Especially now in the cold winter months, there is nothing I like more than to spend a cosy evening on my couch in my most snuggly pyjamas. So now that...

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BOOK REVIEW | Daughter by Jane Shemilt

One November night Naomi Malcolm doesn't return home to her parents after a school theatre performance in which she played the main role. Her parents start to worry, they contact friends and finally the police. The search after the 15 year old missing girl begins and it will tear the family apart. ...

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Monthly Goals: November

I could start this post stating how shocked I am that it's November already, that October truly passed in the blink of an eye and that I have no idea where this year went, but what's new about that ey? So instead I'm gonna tell you how excited I am about it being November - like really REALLY excited - as I can...

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The Sweater Weather TAG

I've seen this tag go round on blogs and youtube channels before I even started blogging myself and I remember thinking that I would really like to do that tag as well, so even though it's nothing new and I haven't been tagged to do it, I still answered all the questions and would like to share them with you today.   ...

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DIY Autumn Decorations

Gosh I can't believe that this is actually the first little DIY I post on here! One DIY in eight months of blogging is a bit underwhelming really but I think as it's now autumn, my favourite!, and the festive season is drawing closer there will be a lot more crafty things on here! Today I wanted to show you the little things...

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How To: Pumpkin Spice Latte

It's that time of the year, where Starbucks brings back the pumpkin spice latte! I always really enjoyed a cup of steaming hot pumpkin spice latte on my way home to keep warm and because I have a massive sweet tooth. Recently however I read an article about Starbuck's hot beverages and the kinds of ingredients they put in there (without disclosing them!)...

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Sephora Italy Haul

It's time for yet another haul on this blog! It must seem like I never stop shopping seeing that there have been quite a few hauls and product reviews up recently! I promise however that this is not the case, I just recently been to Italy and when we went to Verona and I set eyes on a Sephora store (we don't have...

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Twinings Tea Haul + Teapigs

Hello you lovely lot! If you read my last London Diaries post you'll know that I went a bit wild at Twinings the other day. For all of you tea lovers out there I thought it'd be nice to share what I got and how I like it. I also got a pack of the much talked about Teapigs liquorice and peppermint tea,...

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TRAVEL: Lake Garda & Verona

If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you might already know that I spent the long October weekend in Italy with my family. We stayed in a cute little town in the Dolomites on the shores of Lake Garda and went exploring Italy from there. Three days and loads of pizza, pasta and gelato! I thought I'd share with you a few...

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*NEW IN* My Burberry

I've heard a lot of people talk about Burberry's new fragrance release 'My Burberry' and have been wanting to give it a sniff ever since. So when a couple of days ago I went to Italy for a little weekend trip and stumbled across a Douglas shop in Verona I was right on it. I got a little tester thing and even though...

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The London Diaries - Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

Welcome back to the last part of my London Diaries! Let me show you what I got up to during my last three days in the city. ...

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The London Diaries - Sunday

Welcome back to my London diary! Let me tell you what me and my friend got up to on our second day in the city. ...

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The London Diaries - Saturday

As you might know from previous posts if you're a loyal reader of this blog, I have been to London recently. The city I like to call my second home and hopefully future home as well! I fell in love with London when I moved there in 2009 and stayed for one and a half years, working as an au-pair for a lovely...

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A Sunday Well Spent: Bavarian Harvest Festival

Hello you lovely lot! It is autumn and that means harvest festivals and markets will pop up everywhere in Bavaria and I love having a wander around them and seeing all the yummy organic food and looking at all the nice little crafts stalls. It's such a nice way to spend the day with family and friends especially if it's the weekend after...

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Monthly Goals: October

So it is October and I'm not quite sure how this happened! I remember very clearly the day I've been typing up my September goals post and that was basically only yesterday.. However I cannot even try to conceal the excitement I feel about it being October, finally properly autumn and Halloween not far away at all! So with the new month comes...

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Style Crush: Lily Collins

Source: Pinterest In light of the fact that next Monday will be the UK premiere of 'Love, Rosie', a cute little romcom featuring Lily Collins I thought it high time to declare my love for Lily Collins' style! She always looks so effortlessly fashionable whatever she's wearing and she's definitely got the sophisticated rock chick thing down! ...

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Welcome to the third part of my Seasonal Synopsis series. This time it's all about beauty! I picked a couple of my favourite beauty products for autumn and swatched them for you to see. So keep reading to find out what will be my beauty essentials for the next couple of months. ...

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What's In My Carry On Bag - London Edition

So on Saturday it's finally time for me to go to London again for a little holiday with my best friend and I couldn't be more excited! I've been planning what we're gonna do and where we're gonna go for weeks now so it seems almost surreal that we're finally actually going! However much I love travelling and spending time abroad I really...

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REVIEW: Nivea Clear-Up Strips

Hello lovelies! It's time for another review on this little blog. I mentioned getting the Nivea Clear-Up Strips in a Haul post back in August (you can check that out here) and my lovely reader Yingster asked for a little review on them. So after giving them a good testing I can now tell you what I thought about them. ...

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Welcome to the second part of my Seasonal Synopsis series. Today is all about the food! I picked out 3 (actually 4..) easy to make but delicious autumnal recipes that I love to make during that time of the year, featuring a healthy salad, a warming soup and a lovely sweet treat. All of my recipes have one thing in common, they all...

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The Harry Potter TAG

Hello lovelies! Today is a tag kinda day, cause when I saw Beth from Alphabeth blog do this Harry Potter tag I knew I wanted to do it as well. I'm a huge Potter fan and read and reread all the books countless times so surely I had to do it. Plus, tag posts are always so much fun to do! So no...

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SEASONAL SYNOPSIS: AUTUMN #1 - What I Love About Autumn

Welcome to the first post in my Seasonal Synopsis series! This one is all about the beauty of autumn and why it is without a doubt my favourite season! ...

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A Week In Photos - Life Lately #3

Lately nothing much interesting has been going on in my life so I spent most of my time at home working on this little blog, doing some studying, some shopping and loads of cooking. But oh well, I think we all have them every once in a while, these underwhelming weeks so I thought why not share a few snippets of the past...

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The Red Lip - MAC Lady Danger

I told you in my August wish list post that I have been looking everywhere for this lipstick but couldn't find it. Well, when I went to Munich recently I finally found a store that had it in stock. Needless to say, MAC Lady Danger went home with me immediately. ...

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Monthly Goals: September

It's almost September already and it feels like August went by in the blink of an eye! So already it's time again to review last month's goals and share new aims for the next one with you guys! ...

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Huge Drugstore Haul

So I went to the drugstore because I needed a new foundation and this happened (see picture above). Ooops. I spent a little bit too much time in the hair care isle it seems but I'm quite happy with all my finds. So here's what I got: ...

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Life Lately: Exploring and Relaxing

My last week was spent making the most of my holidays and exploring cities and places in my local area that I have never been to or have never seen. I also spent some time relaxing in thermal spas with my mum, going to an indoor pool with my friend and enjoying some Bavarian 'Gemütlichkeit' at my local beer fest. Yes it was...

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Making Bread (super easy)

Hi guys! This last week has been a dreary one. Rainy cloudy days that feel more like October then August and make you wanna stay inside all day. On days like these I kind of always feel like baking and so I decided to make some super easy soda bread for a hearty family lunch. I came across this recipe on CIDER WITH...

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The Ultimate Rainy Day Survival Guide

Even though it's only August - which I was hoping to spend by the lake sunbathing, sitting in the garden til late at night after a BBQ and wear shorts and dresses paired with sunglasses - summer seems to be a thing of the past already. For the past couple of days it's been chucking it down with rain and when I woke...

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Music I'm Currently Obsessed With: Hozier

Source: Facebook I realised I haven't really done a music post yet. Except for my workout playlist which you can find here. I quite enjoy finding new bands and artists to add to my paylist so I thought why not share my current favourites with you guys and maybe you like them too? ...

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So this week I decided to take a little trip down to Munich because I haven't been for ages even though I quite like it there. We did a lot of walking downtown and through the English Garden as well as along the river Isar and I took quite a few snaps on this sunny day. ...

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August Wish List

There are quite a few things recently that made it on my wishlist, so I thought I'd share them with you guys in a quick little post. ...

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Summer Reading List

It's that time of the year, those amazing two months off uni that leave you with all the freedom to spend your time (almost entirely) however you want to. Therefore it's also the time where I actually find time to read without the constant nagging feeling that there are more pressing matters to attend to. I have thus compiled a list of all...

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Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose

I'm quoting Janis Joplin for the title of this little outfit post because what with the semester being over and summer being in full swing I just thought it would fit. Also I just love listening to her songs (imagine a campfire and somebody playing a Joplin song on the guitar - bliss...) Anyway, I wanted to share with you a little summery...

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Monthly Goals - August

It's time to set myself a couple of new goals for the upcoming month! ...

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The Body Shop Tea Tree Pore Minimiser - Review

A couple of weeks ago I have posted on my Instagram that I bought the Body Shop Tea Tree primer and would review for you on the blog. Now after having tested it for about 5 weeks I feel like I can give a good account on what I think about it and how I like it. ...

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Cherry Crumble - A Summertime Treat

So yesterday I decided to put the massive bucket of freshly picked cherries to good use and make a cherry crumble. Not only because never could we eat that many cherries straight from the bucket but also because I was really craving a sweet treat (and it got me away from studying which is always a good thing). I thought I'd share the...

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My Top 5 Tan Enhancing Nail Polishes For Summer

The weather really is super nice and summery hot at the moment so what better time to talk about my favourite tan enhancing nail polish shades. These make your skin look super healthy and summery and at the same time they're a real eye catcher. ...

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My favourite Youtubers - Sharing the Love

I've been kinda addicted to Youtube for quite a while now and the obsession seems to be growing and growing so I thought why not share my 3 favourite Youtube channels with you guys today? Maybe you're on the look out for new channels to watch? Or maybe there are some Youtubers you particularly like that I haven't yet found out about, if...

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On Exams, Anxiety And Precious Friendships...

Hello lovely readers out there! Today's post is a little different to what you usually find on this blog - no review, recipe or photo diary - just a little chatty post. ...

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