
A Christmas Dream | German Christmas Market Rothenburg | Blogmas Day 24

I know I kinda (read: big time) failed with Blogmas. Work and all the Christmas prep had me crazy busy and I just kinda couldn't keep up with it all.. BUT, last weekend I spent a lovely day at Rothenburg with my family, visiting the most gorgeous Christmas market! And not only the market, the whole town looks like a Christmas dream, it's...

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Winter Warmer Soup | Blogmas Day 11

Is there anything better than a bowl of steaming soup on a cold winter's day? I don't think so! This one is particularly easy to make and absolutely delicious if I say so myself. Only a few ingredients are needed to make this and surprise, surprise: butternut squash is one of them (I'm just a squash and pumpkin kinda girl haha). Here's how...

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Favourite Christmas movies | Blogmas Day 10

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Not least because you can watch all those movies you've seen a hundred times before all over again without feeling guilty for it. I'm an absolute creature of habit when it comes to my favourite Christmas movies. I have a set list of things to watch in the lead up to Christmas /in the holidays...

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The Christmas TAG | Blogmas Day 9

I came across this TAG on a few blogs before and thought it was the perfect addition to my Blogmas posts this year! I really liked all the questions and as you know I'm a big Christmas fan so I feel this tag might have been made for me haha! Feel free to do this too, if you find yourself answering the questions...

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Mulled Wine Apple Crumble | Blogmas Day 8

I'm coming at you with another festive recipe today! I'm really so into my Christmas baking and wintery cooking at the moment that I spend every weekend trying new recipes. This is one of them and boy it's gone straight to the top of my favourites list! I love a good apple crumble but this recipe is taking it to a whole new...

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The Little Book of Hygge | Book Review | Blogmas Day 7

"You know Hygge when you feel it. It is when you are cuddled up on the sofa with a loved one, or sharing comfort food with your closest friends. It is those crisp blue mornings when the light through your window is just right." ...

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Favourite Christmas Traditions | Blogmas Day 6

  I love Christmas! I said it before and I'll say it again, it's my favourite time of the year. The advent season, gift shopping, scarf weather, everything about this time of year is just perfect. I love decorating the house with lots of gold and whacking out all the Christmas candles and just generally creating a cosy atmosphere for this most tranquil...

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Winter Pamper | Blogmas Day 5

I love the cosiness that comes with dark winter days. Staying in, treating yourself to fancy homemade porridge (after a long lazy lie in of course) and a hot cuppa. Starting the day with reading in bed with the lights dimmed and candles lit and just generally taking the stress out of everyday life. I'm trying to have a completely free-of-plans, all-to-myself Sunday...

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Swedish Cinnamon Buns | Blogmas Day 4

Christmas time and winter in general is baking time for me. I love trying out different new recipes, making traditional Christmas biscuits and just generally have the flat smell of delicious baked goods. And what better smell could there be than that of cinnamon?! Right, there's nothing more Christmas appropriate, well scented and delicious! That paired with my growing obsession with everything Swedish,...

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My Ultimate X-Mas Playlist | Blogmas Day 3

No Blogmas would be complete without a Christmas Playlist right? So for Day 3 I thought I'd share with you my ultimate list of songs that get me in the festive spirit. I listen to these songs over and over again throughout December and don't even get tired of them. It's a good mix of classics and more modern songs, as well as...

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October & November in Retrospect | Blogmas Day 2

Gosh another two months have passed by without me finding the time to even recap them on here! I don't know how life got so crazy busy all of a sudden?! I feel like I'm just rushing from one big milestone/ exciting moment to another without so much as a blink of the eye! Is this adulting? Then boy it's exhausting! ...

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I'm Doing Blogmas! | Blogmas Day 1

As you will have gathered by the title of this post, I am doing Blogmas this year! I've been meaning to do this for the past two years but never got round to it before as I was always busy studying or moving or whatnot. But this year I thought eff it, I'm gonna make this happen! ...

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October (& September) Favourites | 2016

There hasn’t been a Favourites post on here in a while due to all the chaos with the move and the (still non-existent) internet in my new place but there’s so many things I’ve been loving that I just had to put a post together! I feel like a proper grown-up with this list of favourites! It’s so full of adult-y stuff! Let’s...

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Ghost Bites | Halloween Brownie Recipe 👻

Happy Halloween guys! :) I personally LOVE Halloween - always have, always will! There's just something about a day of dressing up in scary costumes, eating gross looking (yet delicious) food and just generally enjoying the mysterious air of the day. When I was kid, I used to have Halloween parties at my house where my mum would serve us meals like 'blood...

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My September in Retrospect | 2016

Wow, I’ve really been absent from this blog for all of September AND most of October haven’t I?! But what with starting a new job and moving to a new city and the consequent lack of internet in my flat ever since (I’m trying reeeaaally hard not to complain about certain internet providers here.. I’m looking at you especially Telecom!) I just didn’t...

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Franconian Adventures | Photo Diary

I recently visited Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a beautifully medieval town nestled between Nuremberg and Würzburg, right on the old Romantic Road and it's like stepping into a past century. So, so pretty! Rothenburg is also home of the world famous Christmas Village, a shop full of Christmas decorations, ornaments and bake ware, open all year round - the Grinch's worst nightmare :)....

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My August in Retrospect | 2016

August was one hell of a month! We had full on summer temperatures for most of August, so sunbathing, ice cream dates and little country get-aways were dominating my to do lists for the past couple of weeks. There were also job interviews to get through and (believe it or not!) I found a job!! So yeah I guess you can see that...

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Lime & Mint Refresher | Summer Drinks

With the Sahara heat hanging over major parts of Germany this week it's more important than ever to stay hydrated. But sometimes, a simple glass of water won't cut it for me. For these occasions I love to make this refreshing little drink made of only four ingredients: lime, mint, water and agave syrup. It doesn't get much easier than that does it?...

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Summer in the Bavarian Alps | The Holiday Post

So last week I went on a little family vacay to the very south of Germany, where Bavaria meets Austria and spent two amazingly relaxing and beautiful days in the Bavarian Alps. The landscape there is simply breathtaking, as was the view from our cosy little apartment in Bad Reichenhall. This little get-away was exactly what I needed to switch off and just...

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Off The Shoulder Dresses & Corn Fields

Off the shoulder dresses are really hyped at the moment and THE trend piece of the summer it seems. For quite a while I wasn't sure whether I would like it on me or, truth be told, if I could stand wearing it because I'm all for comfort and practicability when it comes to my clothes. But I decided to order it anyway...

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Homemade Vegan Bagels | The Healthy Life

Is there anything better than a toasted wholegrain bagel with guacamole on for breakfast? I doubt it! But what if you're craving said bagel on a Sunday when all the shops are closed and you don't have any at home? You simply make them yourself! :) That's what I did last week when I came across this super easy recipe for seedy bagels...

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My July in Retrospect | 2016

So July eh? Like most months this year it has practically passed in the blink of an eye! I feel like in summer time passes even quicker, as there's always things going on, festivals to attend, BBQs to have, sun baths to take.. and well it's like they say: time flies when you're having fun! ...

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July Favourites | 2016

And here we go again: Favourites Time!! I'm not gonna annoy you again with my 'Where did this month go' panic (but I mean really.. where?) but just so you know.. it's only 149 days til Christmas! Anyways, with July came the heat wave and with it a few favourites that nobody can do without in this humid weather. I might have also...

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The Versions of Us | Book Review

I picked up The Versions of Us at Waterstones on Tottenham Court Road on my last trip to London as I ran out of reading material shortly before my flight back home. And ain't nothing more boring than an airport commute + waiting around at the airport + a 1 and 1 /2 hour flight if you haven't got a book on you!...

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Pavlova Recipe | A Berry Dream

I'm back with yet another recipe guys! But guess what! It's by no means a healthy one this time round! I don't eat healthily all the time and I have a massive sweet tooth so cakes and chocolates and all these things are right up my street (unfortunately maybe.. ). And so today I thought I'd make a Pavlova full of red currents...

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Top 10 Chick Flicks | Girls' Night In

I love a good chick flick! Any rom-com or tear jerking love story will do. And the absolute best thing is watching a good old girly movie with your girlfriends - box of tissues to hand. So I thought I'd compile a list of my favourite romantic movies/ chick flicks to watch with your besties, in case you're planning a movie night in...

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Spicy Gazpacho | Summer Recipes | The Healthy Life

The temperatures are rising here in Europe and I'm lovin' it! I don't know about you guys but when it's hot outside I don't really feel like having a big meal and I most definitely don't feel like spending ages in the kitchen when I could be sitting outside enjoying life haha :) For those days there's nothing better than a cold soup!...

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Harry Potter & the Cursed Child and Other London Highlights | Travel Diary

Today I wanted to share some of the highlights of my recent trip to London with you! I had a blast even though the weather wasn't really on our side (it was cloudy and grey with the occasional apocalyptic rainfall thrown in for good measure, throughout our time there). I've stayed for five days in mid June, did some shopping, some picnic-ing, some...

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My June in Retrospect | 2016

How is it July already?!? Like really?! Half of the year is already gone and I still feel like it was Christmas only yesterday! It's literally crazy! I've been looking forward to June for the entire year, actually even since about October 2015, eagerly anticipating Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, my visit to London and meeting old friends. Now it's practically passed...

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June Favourites | 2016

I've been a bit quiet on here as well as on social media this past month simply because I got a little overwhelmed by life. There was so much going on and by no means bad stuff, just lots of it and I feel like I've been on my feet, running around and doing things this entire month and I haven't had a...

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The Making of Harry Potter | My Time at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

As you may well know if you've been following my blog for a while now, is that I am a massive Harry Potter fan! Always have been, always will be. I grew up with the adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione, read and reread all of the books countless times and have seen the films more often than any other film I think....

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3 Summer Snacks | The Healthy Life

Today I wanted to share with you three easy to make snacks that I love to have to hand in the summer months especially. Two of them are as easy as 1, 2, 3 so really you can get started preparing them right away if you fancy. And here's what I'm talking about: ...

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My May in Retrospect | 2016

May was a weird month for me. Time has been creeping up on me and while my head is still somewhere in March it's actually gotten hot and summery. I don't know what's wrong but recently I haven't been in the best of places, job wise, life wise. But there were a few things that I like to look back on this past...

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May Favourites | 2016

So that's a wrap on May then. I found quite a few new (and rediscovered some old) things I love this month and it's time to share them with you once more. Many of these are more kind of lifestyle-y favourites but there's the odd bit of beauty thrown in for good measure (if you spend that much money on makeup and skin...

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On Making Decisions | Wolfstein Photo Diary | Life Lately

Oh my! I haven't done a Life Lately post in months!! No photo diaries, nothing! I know I keep you guys updated with everything that's going on in my life in my 'Monthly Retrospect' posts but I love a good picture heavy photo diary where I just take you along on a trip I took or simply just a day I spent with...

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Buddha Bowl {Vegan Recipe} | The Healthy Life

I've seen plenty of Buddha Bowls - or Happy Bowls as some call it - on Instagram and Pinterest this year and I was like 'Yeah that's the kind of food trend I've been waiting for!". Buddha Bowls are not only super easy to make, highly customisable to your own taste and incredibly nice to look at, no they're also really healthy! And...

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Biotherm BB Milk | Your Body But Better

With the weather getting warmer comes the time for bare legs and more skin on show. I love being able to finally wear skirts and shorts out and about without freezing my butt off even though there's still some room for improvement temperature wise. The thing is though, after the long dark winter my skin is far from ready to be shown, I'm...

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Lombagine Makeup Workshop

Last Friday me and a couple of friends had a private little makeup workshop at Lombagine, to learn more about what colours suit each of us and what the best techniques are when it comes to applying the products. As I'm a bit of a makeup geek anyway there wasn't much I hadn't heard before but it was still a nice experience. And...

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Live Clean Bath Products | Mail from Canada

A few weeks ago I entered a little international giveaway on Lose the Road to win some bath products from Canadian brand live clean. And I was lucky enough to win these beauties! Thank you so much once more Renee for hosting this giveaway and for sending this lovely little parcel all the way over here to Germany. I was so excited to...

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My Dreamy New Bike | Pegasus Bici Italia

I've been wanting to get a new bike for years now and had my eye on several vintage looking models until I came across this one and my decision was made. I used to cycle loads, to school, to meet my friends, to get to the lido in the summer and even proper little bike trips to lakes and pretty spots in the...

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Why I started Blogging

I've seen Renee from the blog Lose The Road talk about why she decided to start writing her blog and thought it was such a nice idea not only to let you in on why but also for me to think back to two years ago me and my reasons for starting. I've been writing this little blog for a whole 25 months...

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Homemade Quinoa Crisps | The Healthy Life

You know when you're trying to be really healthy and all of a sudden there's this MEGA craving for fast food, chocolate and crisps (and basically everything else that isn't all that good for you). You do right? I knew I couldn't be the only one! I recently found a way to satisfy that craving for salty, crunchy things with quinoa crisps (no...

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My April in Retrospect | 2016

I've been looking forward to writing this recap more than any other I've done so far if I'm honest. I don't know about you guys but for me April was just an all round good month. More than that, it was a GREAT month! Spring is finally here (with the occasional wintery temper tantrum..) and all that sunshine and the clear blue skies...

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April Favourites | 2016

How is April almost over already? Wasn't it April fools only a couple of days ago? And my birthday still feels like it was yesterday! Crazy how time flies when you have fun eh? :) April really was a good month. Lots of good things happened in the last 30 days, I spent lots of time with my loved ones and the weather...

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4 little Things to Healthify your Everyday Life

Eating healthily and staying fit 24/7 is quite a task for most of us. There's fast food cravings and days that are hard to get through without chocolate. There's busy days where we just cannot face a salad but need all the comfort food in the world. And you know what, that's ok. Because there's a few tiny little things we can all...

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