
October & November in Retrospect | Blogmas Day 2

Friday, December 02, 2016

Gosh another two months have passed by without me finding the time to even recap them on here! I don't know how life got so crazy busy all of a sudden?! I feel like I'm just rushing from one big milestone/ exciting moment to another without so much as a blink of the eye! Is this adulting? Then boy it's exhausting!

October was a good month though, I spent lots of time with family and friends, driving home almost every weekend. You will have seen in my previous posts that I finally went and picked up my car in October, which was definitely one of the more memorable days that month. At long last I'm now a proud car owner, cruising the streets of Munich enjoying the freedom that comes with having my own ride.

Apartment wise, things are looking up. I'm still far from happy with this place but it feels more and more like home, now that I've got some decorations up as well. There's still so many things missing though! I don't even know where to start! I purchase one thing I really need thinking "Yes that'll complete it" and next thing I know is I'm trying to make soup and only then realising I don't even own a fucking blender. Story of my life atm! But like I said, it's looking up and slowly but steadily I'm getting there.

October is also the month, where I stuff my face with everything pumpkin while waiting for Halloween to make an appearance. Halloween was great this year. I spent the evening at my friend's place drinking wine, watching makeup tutorials trying to decide what's easiest to recreate and then eventually getting ready for a night out on the town. We celebrated at a party in a small local venue where we realised all over again how old we've become and how little stamina we have when it comes to dancing through to the early hours. It was fun nonetheless!

There were also so many new releases these past two months that I have been dying to see! There was Bridget Jones (which I already told you all about in my October Favourites). There was also J. K. Rowling's "Phantastic Beasts and where to find them". I was so excited for a new movie from the world of Harry Potter and I wasn't the least bit disappointed. I absolutely loved the film! And I desperately want my own pet Niffler ever since, haha! It was magical and it had Eddie Redmayne so it's all a Potter nerd like me could ask for really! And then last but by no means least: GILMORE GIRLS A YEAR IN THE LIFE! Oh my, Gilmore Girls was my favourite TV series when growing up! I remember marking the day it was on telly in my calender so that I would never make any other plans that day (that was before on demand and internet streams people - told you I was old!). I basically grew up with Rory (I'm team Jess all the way btw) and it always inspired me so much, so I was so happy to hear it would be back on Netflix in November. Kinda sad at the same time though when I found out it would only be four episodes. But I loved every single one of those episodes and I'm happy they happened (even though I'm not sure I can actually except the ending to be the end haha). For what it's worth I started watching from season 1 again #noregrets

I was also wedding dress shopping with one of my best friends, hen-do planning, biscuit baking and online shopping my way through these past months. I was arguing with Internet providers who seem to be good at anything but providing internet, which I'm trying to be all zen about but really it pisses me off big time. I don't know anybody who experienced problems with their internet providers in the way that I have, it's thoroughly ridiculous! So for the sake of zen I'm gonna let it all out now and say that Vodafone seem to be the biggest bunch of incompetent idiots I was ever unfortunate enough to do business with. Now, I'm feeling much calmer already!

Well on that note, that's all there is to say about October and November right now. I'm very much looking forward to December as I'm a big kid when it comes to Christmas and I love the calm of the advent season and all the christmassy decorations that make my place look like a Christmas village - minus the actual Christmas tree, but that's a story for another day...

Lots of Love,
Jess xx

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