
The Little Book of Hygge | Book Review | Blogmas Day 7

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

"You know Hygge when you feel it. It is when you are cuddled up on the sofa with a loved one, or sharing comfort food with your closest friends. It is those crisp blue mornings when the light through your window is just right."

This is what author Meik Wiking describes Hygge as on the back of this lovely little book full of perfect photographs, interesting facts and good advice. Hygge is a form of cosiness but so much more than that - and it's a way of life in Denmark, home country of Mr. Wiking. Basically hygge describes everything that makes you feel well and at home and, for lack of a better word, cosy. Most people according to Wikings research find winter the most hyggelig time of the year and I personally couldn't agree more. Spending time with loved ones, cooking good food and socialising while eating said food then ending the day with a nice cup of mulled wine and a good movie is hygge times four! And what better time to do this then winter right? 

The author shares interesting research into what makes people happy (he works for the Happiness Research Institute so he's gotta know what he's talking about!). Danes after all are the happiest people around! And that's not least due to making hygge part of their lives. This little book gives an inside into how to make life more hyggelig, it shares recipes as well as advice on how to spend a hyggelig time with your friends and family throughout the seasons of the year and it has these beautiful beautiful photographs in it that I need only to look at and I feel calm and collected already!

If you wanna pick up this book, I recommend you light the fire before you start, pour yourself a cup of tea and snuggle up in your warmest most snugly blanket then dive right in. The book is full of research and charts but never feels dry or hard to get through mostly because of the funny little anecdotes and the general light hearted tone that Weiking sets in his writing. I found this really really interesting to read, I learnt a lot and yet had a good time reading it. As I said it's also filled with pictures and comes in quite a small format so even though it's a good 200+ pages I finished it in no time.

Have you read 'The little book of Hygge"? What did you think? Did it make you want to redecorate your whole flat and build a fireplace? Cause I sure wanted to do these things! Well then guys, have a hyggelig day and I'll see you tomorrow :)

Lots of Love,
Jess xx

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