
Favourite Christmas Traditions | Blogmas Day 6

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

I love Christmas! I said it before and I'll say it again, it's my favourite time of the year. The advent season, gift shopping, scarf weather, everything about this time of year is just perfect. I love decorating the house with lots of gold and whacking out all the Christmas candles and just generally creating a cosy atmosphere for this most tranquil time of the year.

So decorating the house is a tradition I love. My mum used to always decorate really nicely and inoffensive, with lots of lights and cute little things and I'm trying to do my best to recreate this for my own flat now. I have lots of fairy lights around all year round so nothing much changes here. But I get out all the glittery golden stars I own and decorate the windows with them, cover the window sills in red organza and place poinsettias on every available surface.

A must-have for the advent season is a advent wreath. It's an old tradition to have a fir wreath, decorated with four candles on your tables in the weeks leading up to Christmas. I always go for the classic: red and gold decorations! Every advent Sunday - so the four Sundays leading up to Christmas - you light another candle until by the time the fourth advent Sunday comes round, all candles are lit. I think it's a lovely way of counting down the weeks til Christmas and nothing helps me get in the festive spirit like an advent wreath.

Christmas trees! A German tradition that's now a tradition all over the world! I personally won't have a Christmas tree this year, simply because I don't have the space for one and getting a tiny little fir tree seems to be impossible, but I'm all the more looking forward to coming home for Christmas and seeing the nicely decorated trees at my family's houses. The smell of fir is the non plus ultra Christmas scent for me! In my family we always used to put up the Christmas tree on the night of the 23rd of December, so just in time for Christmas! My mum would decorate it once us kids had gone to bed and we would get up the next morning immediately checking it out. Oh yes.. fond memories all around!

I think there are a lot of nice Christmas traditions and I could go on about them for quite a while but these have to be my favourite ones! Also obviously just spending Christmas with the family is the best thing! And a little bit of snow for a white Christmas wouldn't hurt either...

What are your favourite Christmas traditions? What are you most looking forward to? Leave me a comment and let me know :)

Lots of Love,
Jess xx

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