
Merry Christmas Everybody | Blogmas Day 24

Woohoo! It's Christmas!! I hope you're all home with your loved ones by now, so the festivities can commence! Thanks for sticking around for the last 24 days of Blogmas. I'm actually quite proud of having made it this far without missing a day or even my usual publishing time! I hope you enjoyed my recipes and DIYs and all the other christmassy...

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The Christmas TAG | Blogmas Day 23

  I can't believe it's the 23rd of December already! One day to go til Christmas Eve, delicious food and opening pressies underneath the tree! I can't wait! So for today I thought I'd do a little tag, that I've seen doing the rounds in the blogosphere for a while now. I recently read Maisie's answers to these questions - I'll link her...

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8 Goals For 2018 | Blogmas Day 22

With the new year fast approaching it's time to have a little think about where I want the new year to take me and what I'd like to achieve in the next 365 days. I don't really like to think of it as resolutions as they're in no way set in stone but rather a expression of where I am at the moment....

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Decorating the tree and getting the flat ready for Christmas | Blogmas Day 21

It's the most wonderful time of the year! I love Christmas time for all it's bright lights and cosiness. The scent of biscuits and mulled spices in the air and just the general peace and quiet of the holidays. That's why I also enjoy making my home ready for Christmas, perfect with a tree and little decorations, all the fairy lights, candles and...

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DIY Gift Wrapping | Blogmas Day 20

I wanted to make a little more of an effort with my gift wrapping this year, so I decided to get crafty! I have quite a few homemade gifts to give away this Christmas and there's no better way to give them a nice packaging, then to put them into little gift bags. So I thought why not get creative with them? ...

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Amaretto Marzipan Biscuits | Blogmas Day 19

The countdown for Christmas baking has officially begun. So it's time I whipped up some of my amaretto marzipan biscuits ready for Christmas Day :-) ...

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A Little Lush Haul | Blogmas Day 18

Lush is a dangerous place for me to be. There's always so many lovely things, everything smells divine and just the whole concept of that store, it gets me every time. This time I went in to have a little look around for Christmas presents and such and came home with a whole bag of bath time goodies just for myself - what...

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Apple & Cranberry Chutney | The Foodie Gift | Blogmas Day 17

If you're still on the hunt for the perfect present to give to your foodie friends, this might just be it! Chutneys are awesome gifts because they keep a long time in their jars and even improve with time! And is there anything more festive then apple and cranberry flavour? It's definitely perfect to have with your Christmas meal (and to make your...

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My Favourite Moments of 2017 | Blogmas Day 16

I wanted to do a kind of review of this year, but I wanted to concentrate only on the good things and the moments to remember, the happy times. So I thought what better way then to compile a little list of my favourite moments of this year, in chronological order! ...

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Festive (Yankee) Candle Haul | Blogmas Day 15

Scented candles are a stable around my house at all times of the year but there's something about winter time and Christmas especially, that makes me want to light ALL the scented candles! Nothing more cosy than a cold and dark winter night snuggled up on the couch with a good book and your favourite candle on! As you probably know by now,...

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Boozy Baked Apples (100% Raisin Free) | Blogmas Day 14

Is there any food more wintery, more festive than a baked apple? I don't think so. I find they're delicious, don't require any fancy ingredients and can be whipped up in literally no time. Aaaaand, they're pretty to look at too :-) However, most classic recipes use raisins in the filling which I just cannot deal with, so I decided to do things...

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December Snow | Photo Diary | Blogmas Day 13

It has been snowing quite a lot over the past few weeks. And even though it has alread almost completely melted away it was magical while it lasted. So for today's post I thought I'd share with you some photos I took of winter fun in the snow and the calmness that settled over everything with the first layer of snow. ...

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We Have Always Lived In The Castle | Book Review | Blogmas Day12

"Merricat, said Connie, would you like a cup of tea? Oh no, said Merricat, you'll poison me. Merricat, said Connie, would you like to go to sleep? Down in the boneyard ten feet deep!" 'We Have Always Lived In The Castle' follows the story of 18 year old narrator Mary Katherine Blackwood, or short Merricat and her sister Constance, who live in the...

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Christmas DIY: Door Wreath | Blogmas Day 11

I love decorating! I love crafts! And I love Christmas! So obviously I had to do a little DIY Christmas project. I decided to make a door wreath for my new place, which is super easy to do yet pretty to look at. Here's what you need. ...

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Swedish Chocolate Covered Oat Cookies | Blogmas Day 10

I wanted to share one of my all time favourite cookie recipes with you guys today: Swedish Havreflarn. But instead of simple oat cookies I decided to give them a little twist and level up with a chocolate layer on top. They're quick, they're easy to make and you only need a couple of really basic ingredients. Well then, "nu börjar det" :-)...

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10 Things I'm Really Looking Forward To This Festive Season | Blogmas Day 9

I'm a Christmas fan. I never made a secret of it. I get excited about Christmas as soon as Halloween is over and definitely never think it's too early in November to start shopping for Christmas gifts and decorations, listen to Christmas playlists and get my favourite festive films on. However, this year, quite a few things have changed. Here's what I'm most...

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Winter Outfit: Embroidered Cardigans & Corduroy Pinafores | Blogmas Day 8

I haven't done an outfit post in absolute ages, mainly because I don't have a designated photographer to hand at all times. But I wanted to share an outfit featuring my loooovely new cardigan anyways so I dragged my brother out to take some photos in the most autumnal looking forest ever.  ...

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Black & White Biscuits | Christmas Baking | Blogmas Day 7

My first batch of Christmas biscuits for this year were black and white biscuits. Anything chocolatey was always a big hit with me as a kid - and let's be honest, still is - so it came as no surprise that I chose to make these first. They usually come as either swirls or chess boards but the chess board look is probably...

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Photos & Poetry | London Edition | Blogmas Day 6

I've been wanting to do another poetry post for the longest time! I quite liked how this one on Bayreuth had turned out so I thought it would be a great idea to pick a poem on London that I love and share with you the  photos I took on my recent visit. These have not been taken on the bestest of cameras,...

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Nailpolishes For Winter | Blogmas Day 5

So it's finally time to bring out the wintery nailpolish shades again! I'm so into dark berry tones and glitters and the lot, so I actually wear a lot more nail varnish in autumn/winter than I do in the summer. I thought I'd show you some of my current favourite tones. ...

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Mulled Apple Juice | Winter Recipes | Blogmas Day 4

I love a good cup of mulled wine or hot cider on a cold winter's day but it doesn't always have to be alcohol does it. For those occasions where I just want to warm up without drinking any alcohol, I tend to make my favourite mulled apple juice, suitable for all friends and family members, regardless of their age.  ...

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November Favourites 2017 | Blogmas Day 3

I haven't done a favourites post in absolute ages! I used to love doing them because it made me so much more aware of what I currently like and how my favourites change throughout the seasons and with the years and stuff so I'm definitely bringing them back! First off, I'd like to show you what I loved using, reading and generally having...

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The Roanoke Girls | Book Review | Blogmas Day 2

"Beautiful, rich, mysterious... the Roanoke girls seem to have it all. But there's a dark truth about them that's never spoken. Every girl either runs away, or dies." ...

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I'm Doing Blogmas 2017 | Blogmas Day 1

Hi guys, just to let you know I'm doing Blogmas again this year! I know what you think, but I'm already well more prepared than last year and I'm intent on making it through all 24 days this year! ...

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The Early Bird's Christmas Gift Guide

I know it’s only October but guys have you realised that Christmas is a mere 8 Mondays away?! EIGHT! So for all of you out there who - like me – want to keep gift shopping stress to a bare minimum I thought I’d start a little early on this year’s Holiday gift guides. ...

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Autumn Love

It finally feels like autumn outside! It's windy and rainy and really quite grey but I just loooove it! I got out all the cosy knits already which is probably a bit premature but I don't even care - the excitement is real people! I wanted to put together a little list of things that I love about autumn and that make me...

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Dresden Love

So last weekend me and my bestie went on a little weekend getaway to Dresden. We wanted to see more of Germany and visit places neither of us have seen before, as it's always so easy to book that plane ticket to far off cities and beautiful beaches but it's so easy to forget about all the beauty that your home country has...

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Jo Malone's Wood Sage & Sea Salt

"Escape the everyday along the windswept shore. Waves breaking white, the air fresh with sea salt and spray. Alive with the mineral scent of the rugged cliffs. Mingling with the woody earthiness of sage. Lively, spirited and totally joyful." - Jo Malone ...

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Feta & Tomato Bake | The Healthy Life

I'm sharing a new favourite summer dish with you guys today. It's become a favourite because it's soooo quick and easy to make, perfect for dinner on a nice summer's day, when you come home after a long day at work and don't really fancy standing in the kitchen preparing your food for all eternity. This requires minimum effort and therefore means maximum...

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The Summer Tag

Summer is in full swing at the moment. Temperatures over 30 degrees Celsius are a common occurrence and so is sweating your tits off at work, dreaming about a shady place by the lake - drink in hand. What better time to do a post all about summer eh? I found this little tag on my friend Michelle's YouTube channel (be sure to...

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My Blogging Hiatus | Where I've been

If you are  (or were - no hard feelings ;) ) a somewhat regular reader of this little blog of mine you might have noticed that I kind of fell off the end of the world blogging wise this year. I thought long and hard about whether I wanted to write this post, explaining my reasons and for a long time I thought...

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Healthy Homemade Bounty Bars | The Healthy Life

I have recently tried to get my fitness and healthy eating back on track with meal planning, a workout schedule and well, most importantly my own homemade healthy sweet treats. Because let's be real here I wouldn't go through with this if I had to completely cut out all treats - my sweet tooth wouldn't have it! So I came across this awesome...

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The Ireland Diaries | Inchydoney Beach Birthday, Clonakilty Shopping & Skibbereen Farmer's Markets

Hello and welcome to the last part of my Ireland Diaries. I know it took me quite a while to get them all up but what with all the recent life changes blogging just didn't come that easy. Anyways, I'm here to tell you about my last couple of days on the island. ...

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The Ireland Diaries | Visiting the Cliffs of Moher

Number one on my list of places to visit in Ireland was the Cliffs of Moher. I wanted to go there for the longest time so I was really really excited to finally get the chance and hop on a bus on Thursday to drive up to County Clare and see them "in the flesh". It also meant I had quite an early...

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The Ireland Diaries | Kinsale, Cobh & Cork

On Tuesday, right after our usual breakfast of porridge and tea, we started our day with a walk down to the sea in Clonakilty. We climbed over rocks and enjoyed the sun being out to warm our faces. There were sea gulls crying, tiny waves rolling to shore and fishermen fishing - I wish I could start every day like that.. After our...

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The Ireland Diaries | Coastal Views, Gougane Barra & Lakes of Killarney

So over the Easter break I spent a lovely week in Ireland, visiting my friend Audrey. I had never been to Ireland before but had planned to visit for the longest time so naturally I came with a long list of places I wanted to see. I had the best time travelling around West Cork and up the West Coast, looking at cliffs...

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Candle Love ♥ | RITUALS light the way candle

I've been meaning to blog about this candle for the longest time now! It was literally the scent of December for me this one. I've been burning it in the weeks leading up to Christmas and I'm still lighting it every evening I'm home in my flat now. I came across it at Rituals one day when Christmas shopping in town and I...

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Magical Snow Walk with Evita | Photo Diary

When a couple of weeks ago I woke up on Sunday morning and everything was covered in a thick blanket of snow, snow flakes still dancing in the crisp morning sky I knew I had to get out into nature and make the most of it! So together with my friend Christine we made our way out of Munich to take Christine's horse...

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