
Amaretto Marzipan Biscuits | Blogmas Day 19

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The countdown for Christmas baking has officially begun. So it's time I whipped up some of my amaretto marzipan biscuits ready for Christmas Day :-)

Here's what you'll need:

200g marzipan
100g ground almonds
1 egg
75g icing sugar
3 tbsp amaretto
100g flour
dark chocolate
chopped hazelnuts

Preheat the oven at 160°C.

Put the marzipan into a mixing bowl and smush with a fork, then add the almonds, egg, icing sugar, amaretto and flour. Knead together until you've got a ball of dough.

Cover a baking tray with greaseproof paper. With your hands form little balls out of the dough and place on the tray then flatten a little with the flat of your hand.

Put the biscuits in the oven for 15 minutes, then take them out and leave to cool on a wire rack. Don't worry if they're not quite firm yet when you take them out, that's just how it's supposed to be.

Melt your chocolate in a Bain Marie. Once your biscuits are completely cooled down dip them into the chocolate so they're half covered with dark choc. Put on greaseproof paper and sprinkle the chocolate half with the chopped hazelnuts then leave to dry.

And that's all there is to do! And they're super delicious too! :-)

Let me know if you decide to make these!

Lots of Love,
Jess xx

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