
A Christmas Dream | German Christmas Market Rothenburg | Blogmas Day 24

I know I kinda (read: big time) failed with Blogmas. Work and all the Christmas prep had me crazy busy and I just kinda couldn't keep up with it all.. BUT, last weekend I spent a lovely day at Rothenburg with my family, visiting the most gorgeous Christmas market! And not only the market, the whole town looks like a Christmas dream, it's...

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Winter Warmer Soup | Blogmas Day 11

Is there anything better than a bowl of steaming soup on a cold winter's day? I don't think so! This one is particularly easy to make and absolutely delicious if I say so myself. Only a few ingredients are needed to make this and surprise, surprise: butternut squash is one of them (I'm just a squash and pumpkin kinda girl haha). Here's how...

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Favourite Christmas movies | Blogmas Day 10

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Not least because you can watch all those movies you've seen a hundred times before all over again without feeling guilty for it. I'm an absolute creature of habit when it comes to my favourite Christmas movies. I have a set list of things to watch in the lead up to Christmas /in the holidays...

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The Christmas TAG | Blogmas Day 9

I came across this TAG on a few blogs before and thought it was the perfect addition to my Blogmas posts this year! I really liked all the questions and as you know I'm a big Christmas fan so I feel this tag might have been made for me haha! Feel free to do this too, if you find yourself answering the questions...

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Mulled Wine Apple Crumble | Blogmas Day 8

I'm coming at you with another festive recipe today! I'm really so into my Christmas baking and wintery cooking at the moment that I spend every weekend trying new recipes. This is one of them and boy it's gone straight to the top of my favourites list! I love a good apple crumble but this recipe is taking it to a whole new...

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The Little Book of Hygge | Book Review | Blogmas Day 7

"You know Hygge when you feel it. It is when you are cuddled up on the sofa with a loved one, or sharing comfort food with your closest friends. It is those crisp blue mornings when the light through your window is just right." ...

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Favourite Christmas Traditions | Blogmas Day 6

  I love Christmas! I said it before and I'll say it again, it's my favourite time of the year. The advent season, gift shopping, scarf weather, everything about this time of year is just perfect. I love decorating the house with lots of gold and whacking out all the Christmas candles and just generally creating a cosy atmosphere for this most tranquil...

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Winter Pamper | Blogmas Day 5

I love the cosiness that comes with dark winter days. Staying in, treating yourself to fancy homemade porridge (after a long lazy lie in of course) and a hot cuppa. Starting the day with reading in bed with the lights dimmed and candles lit and just generally taking the stress out of everyday life. I'm trying to have a completely free-of-plans, all-to-myself Sunday...

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Swedish Cinnamon Buns | Blogmas Day 4

Christmas time and winter in general is baking time for me. I love trying out different new recipes, making traditional Christmas biscuits and just generally have the flat smell of delicious baked goods. And what better smell could there be than that of cinnamon?! Right, there's nothing more Christmas appropriate, well scented and delicious! That paired with my growing obsession with everything Swedish,...

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My Ultimate X-Mas Playlist | Blogmas Day 3

No Blogmas would be complete without a Christmas Playlist right? So for Day 3 I thought I'd share with you my ultimate list of songs that get me in the festive spirit. I listen to these songs over and over again throughout December and don't even get tired of them. It's a good mix of classics and more modern songs, as well as...

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October & November in Retrospect | Blogmas Day 2

Gosh another two months have passed by without me finding the time to even recap them on here! I don't know how life got so crazy busy all of a sudden?! I feel like I'm just rushing from one big milestone/ exciting moment to another without so much as a blink of the eye! Is this adulting? Then boy it's exhausting! ...

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I'm Doing Blogmas! | Blogmas Day 1

As you will have gathered by the title of this post, I am doing Blogmas this year! I've been meaning to do this for the past two years but never got round to it before as I was always busy studying or moving or whatnot. But this year I thought eff it, I'm gonna make this happen! ...

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