
April Favourites | 2016

How is April almost over already? Wasn't it April fools only a couple of days ago? And my birthday still feels like it was yesterday! Crazy how time flies when you have fun eh? :) April really was a good month. Lots of good things happened in the last 30 days, I spent lots of time with my loved ones and the weather...

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4 little Things to Healthify your Everyday Life

Eating healthily and staying fit 24/7 is quite a task for most of us. There's fast food cravings and days that are hard to get through without chocolate. There's busy days where we just cannot face a salad but need all the comfort food in the world. And you know what, that's ok. Because there's a few tiny little things we can all...

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Take Me Home, Country Roads

Spring has finally sprung for good! Ok it's still kinda freezing when I leave for work in the morning so I can't quite pack away my winter coats yet but there's hope! All the blossoms are blossoming and the sun's shining and the birds are tweeting and oh it's just beautiful outside! I love getting out and walking the nearby country roads in...

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Turning 26 | My Birthday in Words & Pictures

I had the best birthday this year celebrating with all my family and friends! More so it was like an elongated birthday period of 4 days with lots of food and cake and drinks and fun. I was off work on my actual birthday on Thursday so I had a slow start to the day, sleeping in, having a bath and decorating my...

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26 Pictures to summarise year 26 | The Birthday Edit

Soooo.. it's the 14th of April and therefore officially my birthday!!! :-) I'm turning 26 today which is just as scary as it sounds! I still remember making a big fuss about turning 20, you know what with my teenage years being over and entering real adulthood. I don't know what I was thinking! I'm now well into my 'mid-twenties', new famous singers...

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RhuBarbie - Birthday Cocktail

It's my birthday this week and I'm having friends over to celebrate so naturally there will be one or two drinks involved. I absolutely love cocktails and wanted to make a special Jess' birthday cocktail for the occasion, I came up with a rhubarb one that is not only seasonal but also damn delicious! You only need to prep the rhubarb juice/ syrup...

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DIY Foot Mask | Getting Ready For Spring

I'm coming at you with another beauty DIY today. I don't know about you guys but I just love trying to make my own beauty products at the moment. Many are incredibly easy to make and use only ingredients that are super easy to get hold of. This one here for example uses only 3 ingredients that every corner shop will have in...

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Spicy Morrocan Couscous Salad | The Healthy Life

After indulging in a few too many chocolate eggs and hot cross buns and carrot cakes and all sorts of not so healthy snacks lately I really needed to get back to more healthy meals, eating well and keeping fit. So one BIG healthy food shop later I had everything I needed for a week of clean eats! One of my favourite foods...

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Lips for Spring | Favourite Lipsticks

I'm typing this while the sun's shining through my window and the bird's are tweeting and it feels sooooo good to finally welcome spring! With the new season come new favourite colours as well as lipstick shades. I'm really into anything rosé coloured, subtle pink shades and blushed tones at the moment so expect to see a lot of that in this post....

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