
Monthly Goals: September

It's almost September already and it feels like August went by in the blink of an eye! So already it's time again to review last month's goals and share new aims for the next one with you guys! ...

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Huge Drugstore Haul

So I went to the drugstore because I needed a new foundation and this happened (see picture above). Ooops. I spent a little bit too much time in the hair care isle it seems but I'm quite happy with all my finds. So here's what I got: ...

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Life Lately: Exploring and Relaxing

My last week was spent making the most of my holidays and exploring cities and places in my local area that I have never been to or have never seen. I also spent some time relaxing in thermal spas with my mum, going to an indoor pool with my friend and enjoying some Bavarian 'Gemütlichkeit' at my local beer fest. Yes it was...

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Making Bread (super easy)

Hi guys! This last week has been a dreary one. Rainy cloudy days that feel more like October then August and make you wanna stay inside all day. On days like these I kind of always feel like baking and so I decided to make some super easy soda bread for a hearty family lunch. I came across this recipe on CIDER WITH...

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The Ultimate Rainy Day Survival Guide

Even though it's only August - which I was hoping to spend by the lake sunbathing, sitting in the garden til late at night after a BBQ and wear shorts and dresses paired with sunglasses - summer seems to be a thing of the past already. For the past couple of days it's been chucking it down with rain and when I woke...

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Music I'm Currently Obsessed With: Hozier

Source: Facebook I realised I haven't really done a music post yet. Except for my workout playlist which you can find here. I quite enjoy finding new bands and artists to add to my paylist so I thought why not share my current favourites with you guys and maybe you like them too? ...

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So this week I decided to take a little trip down to Munich because I haven't been for ages even though I quite like it there. We did a lot of walking downtown and through the English Garden as well as along the river Isar and I took quite a few snaps on this sunny day. ...

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August Wish List

There are quite a few things recently that made it on my wishlist, so I thought I'd share them with you guys in a quick little post. ...

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Summer Reading List

It's that time of the year, those amazing two months off uni that leave you with all the freedom to spend your time (almost entirely) however you want to. Therefore it's also the time where I actually find time to read without the constant nagging feeling that there are more pressing matters to attend to. I have thus compiled a list of all...

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Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose

I'm quoting Janis Joplin for the title of this little outfit post because what with the semester being over and summer being in full swing I just thought it would fit. Also I just love listening to her songs (imagine a campfire and somebody playing a Joplin song on the guitar - bliss...) Anyway, I wanted to share with you a little summery...

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Monthly Goals - August

It's time to set myself a couple of new goals for the upcoming month! ...

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