Pancake Day - Silly First Post

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Now I really like pancakes but I don't have them as often as I wish I would, so when I heard that Pancake Day was coming up I just new I had to make some!
I first heard of Pancake Day when I lived in London a few years ago, where they do crazy competitions and stuff on that day, from 'pancake races' to 'pancake festivals' a lot is going on in London town that day!

As I don't live in London anymore and Germany doesn't do pancake day I thought I'd do my own version and treat myself and my family to some delicious pancakes. I got out my mum's old recipe and started with the dough-making. It's done in no time! Making pancakes is shockingly simple so there's really no excuse not to make some!

For the topping I opted for fresh blueberries, homemade raspberry jam/sauce, bananas, nutella and coconut flakes - so there was something for every taste. I really craved strawberries but I guess I'll have to wait a couple more months for those.

We had a real pancake feast! It was delicious if I say so myself and I enjoyed cooking for the whole fam! Now if you excuse me, I have about a thousand calories to get rid of.. ;)

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5 Kommentare

  1. these pancakes look so yummy, I want to eat pancakes right now :D

  2. Herzlichen Glückwünsch endlich hat einer von uns einen blog :) süßer eintrag, mach weiter so! ;)

  3. lovely first post :) the nutella one looks especially delicious hmmm

