
Mulled Apple & Amaretto Punch

The countdown to Christmas is ON and I'm officially off work until Monday the 28th! I'm gonna make the most of my time off wrapping the last of the presents and catching up on some Christmas baking. Christmas is obviously gonna be a bit different this year but I'm excited for some quiet down time reading and walking and watching soppy films and...

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Christmas Baking: Marzipan & Nutella Stars

Happy December guys! I can't believe it's the last month of the year already! Christmas is mere days away and 2021 is fast approaching. Let's hope we can go back to some sort of normality next year and resume our travels and other plans. But for this month, let's make the most of a Christmas period that is quieter and more cosy than...

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No-Bake Popcorn & Coconut Chocolate Bars

I'm coming at you with a new recipe today and I thought I'd make it a quick and easy one that would also make a great Christmas present for the foodie in your life. These chocolate bars are of course adaptable to taste.. so if you prefer peanuts to coconut, go for it - get creative!Here's how I made mine:- 200g dark chocolate-...

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Immune Boosting Ginger Shots

With October slowly turning into November, the days getting colder and the nights getting longer our immune systems need a bit of a boost to keep up with the demands. Also nothing like an immune system that's up to scratch when you're in the midst of a global pandemic eh?This recipe combines the anti-inflammatory powers of ginger with the legendary vitamin C content...

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Creamy London Fog Latte

I interrupt your regularly scheduled pumpkin content to bring you a 100% pumpkin free recipe perfect for the colder months: a London Fog Latte! If you're a tea lover like me you will love this to warm up with on a cold autumn morning or after a long walk through the woods leave peepin'.All the ingredients you need for this recipe are cupboard...

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Fluffy Pumpkin Spice Cookies

 Happy October you guys!! It's my favourite month of the year and like Anne Shirley Cuthbert said "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers!" The leaves are slowly but surely turning colourful, the wind is crisp and pumpkins are absolutely everywhere! So like every year when autumn hits I get out all my favourite pumpkin recipes and this...

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Spicy Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

Happy autumn you guys!!! T'is finally the season for big jumpers, cosy cardies and everything pumpkin! So to celebrate I made this delicious butternut squash soup that's simply perfect for the colder months. It's packed full of the good stuff and keeps you warm from the inside. It's souper (see what I did there..?) easy to make as well so grab your pumpkins...

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No Bake Blackberry Mousse Tartelettes

Hi there guys. Long time no see. I decided to show this little blog of mine a bit more love again. I'm not even gonna kid myself into thinking that I could post on here as often and as regularly as I did back in the day what with work and life in general being quite full on. I do however find that...

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