
|| 2016 || Resolutions & A Look Back On 2015

So here it is, the dreaded new year's resolutions post! Yes some of these might be 100% cliché and yes I might realise in, say March that I haven't gone through with more than one but I still wanted to give it a go this year. I remember last year I typed up this little post explaining why I wasn't gonna make any...

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Christmas Baking: Owl Cookies

Hi guys! Happy 24th of December and a Merry Christmas to all those of you who, like me, celebrate Christmas tonight :) If you're looking for an easy peasy last minute Christmas cookie recipe then look no further! I made these delicious gingerbread spiced owl cookies yesterday and not only do they look great they also taste delicious and took no time at...

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London's Best Ramen | Bone Daddies Soho

I have been craving a good ole' bowl of ramen ever since autumn came around and the temperatures dropped. Simply because there's nothing more comforting than a warming soup with ALL the flavours on a cold and rainy London day. So naturally we made our way to Bone Daddies, just off Wardour Street in London's lovely Soho! The first thing I really liked...

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Christmas Baking: Bavarian Vanillekipferl

Happy third Sunday of advent everybody! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and therefore it's high time to get started with the Christmas baking. Last year I shared my Gingerbread Men recipe with you guys, which you can check out here, so this year I thought I would share with you something traditionally christmassy from Germany: Vanillekipferl. These delicious vanilla biscuits...

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The Super Quick Body Moisturisers Every Busy Girl Needs

So recently I seem to be in a continuous state of hurry.. I either need to be somewhere, do something, get some work done, think of Christmas presents... the list goes on. But now that I have ALL my Christmas presents - on the 6th of December! YAY for being super organised this year haha - I've finally got the time to tell...

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Autumn In Photos | Photo Diary

Woooooow... long time no see! I know I've been pretty absent from this blog for almost a month now and there will be a little blog post explaining a little more about what's been going on and why I haven't been on top of everything blog but seriously where has the past month gone?!?! It's like I blinked and October turned into December!...

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