
Local Girl Missing | Book Review

Sunday, October 21, 2018

I'm coming at you with another book review today. I devoured Local Girl Missing by Claire Douglas in the space of a weekend and just had to write up a little post on it! If you've been following my blog and bookish posts for a while you might well know that I love a good thriller or crime story. So naturally when I came across this book in the book shop I had to pick it up. Not only is it a thriller but it's also set in rural England, in the fictional coastal town of Oldcliffe, Somerset - so right up my street of course!

The story revolves around thirty-nine-year-old Francesca Howe who's returning to her rural hometown after several years to find out what really happened to her best friend Sophie Collier who vanished in 1997 leaving behind only one trainer on the old derelict pier after a night out with her friends. The story is told mainly by Francesca who, after receiving a phone call from Sophie's older brother Daniel, telling her that remains have been found and asking Francesca for her help in investigating what really happened until the remains can be formally identified, heads back to her hometown. We also get to know Sophie's story through her diary entries of the year she disappeared. And page by page we get closer to a dark secret the two friends shared, of an incident that happened when they were only sixteen years old.

I really enjoyed going back and forth between Francesca and Daniel's investigation today and Sophie's descriptions of her life in 1997, piecing together the different parts of the puzzle, getting closer and closer to a disturbing secret. The chapters are really well written and never give too much away hence keep you guessing for the longest time. I have to say I had my suspicions about what possibly went down back in the days in Oldcliffe before the book revealed it all - but then again I was still surprised by some parts of the ending.

As I said before, this book had me hooked from page one. It's easy to read, completely riveting and seriously unputdownable! It's a story about the dynamics of friendship over time and the devastating impact lies resulting from secrets can have. If you like a good a thriller, complete with scary bits, that keeps you wondering "why" til the end then I recommend you get your hands on a copy of Local Girl Missing asap! :)

You can get your copy on amazon by clicking here*:

Or here if you want to read in German*:


My rating: 

*Amazon affiliate link

Lots of Love,
Jess xx

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3 Kommentare

  1. Local girl missing is the best book which i read. I love the story. I would love to thank the writer who gave us this amazing book. I was thinking to write a book slimier like this. I already started writing the book by the help of self-help book publisher.
