
June Favourites | 2016

I've been a bit quiet on here as well as on social media this past month simply because I got a little overwhelmed by life. There was so much going on and by no means bad stuff, just lots of it and I feel like I've been on my feet, running around and doing things this entire month and I haven't had a...

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The Making of Harry Potter | My Time at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

As you may well know if you've been following my blog for a while now, is that I am a massive Harry Potter fan! Always have been, always will be. I grew up with the adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione, read and reread all of the books countless times and have seen the films more often than any other film I think....

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3 Summer Snacks | The Healthy Life

Today I wanted to share with you three easy to make snacks that I love to have to hand in the summer months especially. Two of them are as easy as 1, 2, 3 so really you can get started preparing them right away if you fancy. And here's what I'm talking about: ...

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My May in Retrospect | 2016

May was a weird month for me. Time has been creeping up on me and while my head is still somewhere in March it's actually gotten hot and summery. I don't know what's wrong but recently I haven't been in the best of places, job wise, life wise. But there were a few things that I like to look back on this past...

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