
May Favourites | 2016

So that's a wrap on May then. I found quite a few new (and rediscovered some old) things I love this month and it's time to share them with you once more. Many of these are more kind of lifestyle-y favourites but there's the odd bit of beauty thrown in for good measure (if you spend that much money on makeup and skin...

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On Making Decisions | Wolfstein Photo Diary | Life Lately

Oh my! I haven't done a Life Lately post in months!! No photo diaries, nothing! I know I keep you guys updated with everything that's going on in my life in my 'Monthly Retrospect' posts but I love a good picture heavy photo diary where I just take you along on a trip I took or simply just a day I spent with...

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Buddha Bowl {Vegan Recipe} | The Healthy Life

I've seen plenty of Buddha Bowls - or Happy Bowls as some call it - on Instagram and Pinterest this year and I was like 'Yeah that's the kind of food trend I've been waiting for!". Buddha Bowls are not only super easy to make, highly customisable to your own taste and incredibly nice to look at, no they're also really healthy! And...

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Biotherm BB Milk | Your Body But Better

With the weather getting warmer comes the time for bare legs and more skin on show. I love being able to finally wear skirts and shorts out and about without freezing my butt off even though there's still some room for improvement temperature wise. The thing is though, after the long dark winter my skin is far from ready to be shown, I'm...

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Lombagine Makeup Workshop

Last Friday me and a couple of friends had a private little makeup workshop at Lombagine, to learn more about what colours suit each of us and what the best techniques are when it comes to applying the products. As I'm a bit of a makeup geek anyway there wasn't much I hadn't heard before but it was still a nice experience. And...

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Live Clean Bath Products | Mail from Canada

A few weeks ago I entered a little international giveaway on Lose the Road to win some bath products from Canadian brand live clean. And I was lucky enough to win these beauties! Thank you so much once more Renee for hosting this giveaway and for sending this lovely little parcel all the way over here to Germany. I was so excited to...

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My Dreamy New Bike | Pegasus Bici Italia

I've been wanting to get a new bike for years now and had my eye on several vintage looking models until I came across this one and my decision was made. I used to cycle loads, to school, to meet my friends, to get to the lido in the summer and even proper little bike trips to lakes and pretty spots in the...

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Why I started Blogging

I've seen Renee from the blog Lose The Road talk about why she decided to start writing her blog and thought it was such a nice idea not only to let you in on why but also for me to think back to two years ago me and my reasons for starting. I've been writing this little blog for a whole 25 months...

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Homemade Quinoa Crisps | The Healthy Life

You know when you're trying to be really healthy and all of a sudden there's this MEGA craving for fast food, chocolate and crisps (and basically everything else that isn't all that good for you). You do right? I knew I couldn't be the only one! I recently found a way to satisfy that craving for salty, crunchy things with quinoa crisps (no...

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My April in Retrospect | 2016

I've been looking forward to writing this recap more than any other I've done so far if I'm honest. I don't know about you guys but for me April was just an all round good month. More than that, it was a GREAT month! Spring is finally here (with the occasional wintery temper tantrum..) and all that sunshine and the clear blue skies...

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