
Clarins Eau de Jardin | Fragrance Friday

I know, I know, two Fragrance Fridays in a row! Crazy! But what with my birthday last month I had some cash to splash and finally ventured out to repurchase one of my all time favourite fragrances: Clarins' Eau de Jardin. ...

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3 Smoothies You Must Try | The Healthy Life

Yay! I'm back with yet another instalment of 'The Healthy Life'! Might this be the first series I actually stick with on this blog? Exciting times haha! Anyways, I really wanted to share some of my favourite smoothie recipes with you today as I get asked about them a lot in real life. I picked out three rather colourful ones I really like...

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Hometown Glory | Life Lately #7

The older I get, the more I realise how much I love the place I grew up in. Back in the days it was all about getting out of that suffocatingly small town and see the world and move away and find a better and cooler place to live in. I guess it's just a teenage thing eh? Anyway nowadays when I take...

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YSL Black Opium | Fragrance Friday

Today I'm talking about the newest addition to my fragrance stash. I got YSL's Black Opium for my birthday back in April and I am soooo in love with it! As I am the worst when it comes to describing fragrances I'm just gonna tell you what's in the bottle: ...

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The Creative Blogger Award

I've recently been nominated for the Creative Blogger Award, a tag that encourages us to share some not so well known facts about ourselves and thus get to know each other a bit better. I was nominated by the lovely Renee over at Lose The Road, an awesome little blog about all things lifestyle, beauty, books and more. Make sure you check out...

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