
Monica Vinader | Siren Stacking Ring

I had my eye the Monica Vinader ring collection for quite a while now umming and ahhing whether to get one or not. As you can see, I have made my decision now ;-) I wanted one of the Siren stacking rings but was torn between getting the Labradorite one or the Moonstone one or even maybe the Aquamarine one.. it was a...

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The Birthday Edit

Hello you gorgeous lot! It's another photo diary today! I celebrated my 25th birthday on the 14th of April and had such a nice, sun filled and warm week with family and friends. Turning 25 was somewhat scary I'll admit that much.. I mean it's literally a quarter of a century.. where did the time go?! Wasn't it only yesterday that I had...

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The Healthy Life | Salad In A Jar

Hello my lovelies, this is the second installment of my healthy life series and I hope you love it as much as I do. This salad in a jar is super easy to prep and stays fresh in the fridge for about 3 days. So if you invest a bit of time on a Sunday you can make a couple of these for...

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March Favourites

I am aware that this post is rather late but I still really wanted to share it with you. I found a couple of new things I love this past month and rediscovered some old favourites. There's a little bit of everything in this month's favourites - or in fact in any of my favourites. So here comes: ...

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Easter Weekend In Pictures | Life Lately #6

Hi guys! I hope you all had an amazingly relaxing Easter weekend with family and friends, chocolate and netflix & bed and pyjamas ;-) I loved having this long weekend to take some time out to breathe and sort out life stuff. There's just so much going on right now, massive amounts of dissertation work plus a lot of presentations and stuff for...

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Chocolate Easter Nests

Easter clearly is a reason to cheat a little on the healthy eating front. There's just too many yummy chocolatey recipes out there! So for our Easter weekend treat I decided to make some chocolate Easter nests. Usually I would use cornflakes to make them but this year I thought why not switch things up a little and use shredded wheat instead? It...

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Huge Collective Haul

  I haven't done many hauls on this blog but lately I have felt veeeery spendy so I thought why not share my purchases of the last couple of weeks. Like I said, this has been accumulated over a few weeks and I didn't just buy all of this in one trip into town (see how I'm trying to justify already?). So enough...

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