
Liebster Award

I have been nominated by the lovely Karen from Style Sunrise to take part in the ever so famous Liebster award which was created for bloggers new to blogging to get to know each other and find new and interesting blogs. I'm so happy I got nominated for this little award :) ...

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My favourite fragrances for Spring & Summer

Here's a little overview of my favourite fragrances for spring and summer. Lots of fresh and floral notes. ...

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Neuschwanstein Castle Bavaria - Photo Diary

If you follow me on Instagram, you might know that I spent Easter Sunday being a tourist in my own country. I finally visited Neuschwanstein castle! A trip down south to see this beautiful fairytale castle has been on my list for absolute ages. When I lived abroad and told people that I'm from Germany/Bavaria people always asked questions about two things: Neuschwanstein...

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Easter Weekend Food Ideas

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you're all having a lovely weekend and maybe even some sunshine. Today I thought I'd share with you some recipes of easy to make and healthy-ish meals for the Easter holidays. I made these yesterday for the whole fam and it went down really well, everybody liked it. ...

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My Birthday Weekend In Pictures

 Last weekend I went to Austria to meet up with two of my favourite ladies and to celebrate my birthday a little bit. We all met in London 4 years ago (4 years already! Time flies!) and as we live in different countries we don't get to see each other as often as we would like. However we always try to find some...

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50 Random Facts About Me

So I've been blogging for a little over a month now and there's quite a few of you already reading my posts. Thank you lovely people for all your nice comments, it really makes my day to see that you like what I write. So as a month has passed already I decided it was time we got to know each other a...

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A spec(s)tacular post

I went to pick up my new glasses today and I'm in LOVE! Choosing them however wasn't that easy, I've been to three different opticians and had about three models I liked in three different shops - so there was a lot of going to and fro through town and trying and re-trying all the models. But in the end I was positive...

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Yesterday I received an exciting little parcel via Royal Mail straight from England. And guess what it contained.. IT'S TEA!! :) ...

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