Red Cherry Smoothie Bowl

Sunday, August 28, 2022

The perfect summer breakfast surely is a nice, big smoothie bowl. It's like ice cream for breakfast, it's so so good! There's about a million and one ways to make a smoothie bowl but I'm currently obsessed with this red cherry version. Not only does it look cool it also tastes amazing - like summer in a bowl :)

Here's what you'll need:
(this serves two)

~250g frozen cherries
1 frozen banana (for sweetness)
4-5 tbsp soy yoghurt (or other plant based or dairy version of your choice)
splash of soy milk (or other plant based or dairy version of your choice)

toppings I used:

dessicated coconut
edible flowers
chia seeds

In a high speed blender add your frozen ingredients and your yoghurt and blend until you get a smooth, creamy consistency. Keep adding soy milk as needed to help the mixture blend well and adjust how thick or liquidy your smoothie bowl is going to be.

Add the mixture to your bowls and decorate with toppings of your choice. I enjoy adding some more fruits on top and some crunch from nuts, seeds or granola is also always a good idea. I used some edible flowers here mainly because I feel they look nice sprinkled on top of literally anything, but they are obviously completely optional! You do you with the toppings :)

That's all there is to it: a quickly prepared breakfast, that's healthy, filling and pretty to look at! Let me know if you decide to make this and what toppings you chose to add :)

Lots of Love,
Jess xx

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