
July Favourites | 2016

And here we go again: Favourites Time!! I'm not gonna annoy you again with my 'Where did this month go' panic (but I mean really.. where?) but just so you know.. it's only 149 days til Christmas! Anyways, with July came the heat wave and with it a few favourites that nobody can do without in this humid weather. I might have also...

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The Versions of Us | Book Review

I picked up The Versions of Us at Waterstones on Tottenham Court Road on my last trip to London as I ran out of reading material shortly before my flight back home. And ain't nothing more boring than an airport commute + waiting around at the airport + a 1 and 1 /2 hour flight if you haven't got a book on you!...

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Pavlova Recipe | A Berry Dream

I'm back with yet another recipe guys! But guess what! It's by no means a healthy one this time round! I don't eat healthily all the time and I have a massive sweet tooth so cakes and chocolates and all these things are right up my street (unfortunately maybe.. ). And so today I thought I'd make a Pavlova full of red currents...

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Top 10 Chick Flicks | Girls' Night In

I love a good chick flick! Any rom-com or tear jerking love story will do. And the absolute best thing is watching a good old girly movie with your girlfriends - box of tissues to hand. So I thought I'd compile a list of my favourite romantic movies/ chick flicks to watch with your besties, in case you're planning a movie night in...

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Spicy Gazpacho | Summer Recipes | The Healthy Life

The temperatures are rising here in Europe and I'm lovin' it! I don't know about you guys but when it's hot outside I don't really feel like having a big meal and I most definitely don't feel like spending ages in the kitchen when I could be sitting outside enjoying life haha :) For those days there's nothing better than a cold soup!...

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Harry Potter & the Cursed Child and Other London Highlights | Travel Diary

Today I wanted to share some of the highlights of my recent trip to London with you! I had a blast even though the weather wasn't really on our side (it was cloudy and grey with the occasional apocalyptic rainfall thrown in for good measure, throughout our time there). I've stayed for five days in mid June, did some shopping, some picnic-ing, some...

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My June in Retrospect | 2016

How is it July already?!? Like really?! Half of the year is already gone and I still feel like it was Christmas only yesterday! It's literally crazy! I've been looking forward to June for the entire year, actually even since about October 2015, eagerly anticipating Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, my visit to London and meeting old friends. Now it's practically passed...

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