
February Favourites

Another month, another favourites post! I can't tell you how glad I am that February's finally come to an end! It's been such a slow month! And also March just means spring right? Oh and Easter treats! So yay for March! Haha but still, we wanted to have a look at last month's loves and so here they are: ...

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The Tea TAG

I recently found this little TAG on YouTube and knew it was calling my name! I love having tea and my overflowing tea cupboard is a sure fire sign of that! So I took the liberty to answer these 10 questions and hope you like it! ...

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French Crêpes | Pancake Day 2016

Happy Pancake Day lovelies! This is actually already the third Pancake Day post on this blog (can you believe it!?). The first ever post that went live on this blog was a Shrove Tuesday post two years ago! Oh boy how time flies! If you are interested to see my previous recipes you can click here for last year's fluffy American style pancakes...

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The Drowning Lesson | Book Review

"It takes seconds to register that all the lights in the house are blazing. Adam is shouting, his voice low-pitched like an animal in pain. I start running. The shadows in our bedroom flicker differently: it takes me a moment to see that the curtains are torn, and moving in the slight wind. A glittering pile of glass lies in front of the...

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January Favourites ♥

Hello my lovelies! It's favourites time once more! I haven't been doing one of these in quite a while but as I always love reading them on other blogs or watching them on YouTube I decided that this year will see me doing a full 12 months of favourites! I really hope you enjoy them as much as I do! And I really...

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