
Life Lately #4

I thought it was high time I did another picture heavy Life Lately post seeing that the last one's gone up in September and I finally got my brand spanking new DSLR which means I've been snapping away A LOT! Also I think blog photography will improve quite a bit with my new camera friend here so look forward to more HD in...

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Merry Christmas, Happy Boxing Day!

Hello you lovely lot! It's boxing day today so you're either engrossed in all your presents or busy with the Christmas sales.. however I wanted to take this (rather late) opportunity to wish you all a merry Christmas! I hope you all had an amazing couple of days with your family and friends eating loads and loads of good food and getting tipsy...

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*NEW IN* WoodWick Evening Bonfire Scented Candle

Recently I missed my train home from uni by about 2 minutes which meant I had some time to kill at the station. Obviously I went straight to the book shop but instead of leaving with a new book I bought the most awesome scented candle ever!! (My mum would disagree with me on that - but beauty is in the eye of...

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Warming Chicken Soup With An Asian Twist

When you are feeling a bit low or are battling a nasty cold there is nothing better than a warming soup to lift your spirits. As a little twist on the ever so famous chicken noodle soup I decided to share my favourite Asian inspired chicken soup with you today, just to spice things up a little. ...

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First Christmas Baking: Gingerbread Men & Women

For the first advent last Sunday I decided to finally do some Christmas baking and make my first batch of biscuits. I decided to follow a German recipe for Pfefferkuchen or Lebkuchen so I ventured out to get some biscuit cutters in the form of a gingerbread man and a Christmas tree and all the other ingredients I needed and got my bake...

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How To Get Into The Christmas Spirit 101

  Only 21 days til Christmas! It's about time we got all the presents sorted and got into a festive mood. If you, like me, are really stressed out with studying at the minute and can barely find the time for a festive thought I suggest you follow this super easy 8 steps "tutorial" on how to get into the Christmas spirit in...

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