Monthly Goals: MAY

Sunday, May 04, 2014

I wanted to start this new series of monthly posts in which I'll share my goals and aims for the next four weeks with you guys. Maybe you can relate or have useful tips on how to reach certain goals? It would be great if we could help each other out a little bit. Also I think that writing my goals down and share them on my blog will keep me motivated to actually go through with them. So enough rambling let's get started with all the things I hope to achieve / get done this month.

1) Uni really started off with lots of work this semester and with two presentations to prepare and an essay to write I've hardly had time to study for all the other subjects that I'll have to write exams in this semester. The last one of the presentations will be next week, so I really hope that after that I will get a lot more studying done! I aim to finally wrap my brain around all matters "finance" as this is the exam I'm most scared of this semester and you know how it is with subjects you're not particularly keen on and even a little scared - you just keep postponing to do it. Or maybe that's just me? Well I gotta face the fear..

2) Get into reading again! Now I usually read three to four books a month, but lately like I said the uni workload was immense so I didn't have as much time as I would like to have had. It has never taken me that long to actually finish a book, it's been a month and I still haven't finished 'Gone Girl' even though I find it really interesting and well written and I'm super intrigued to find out what really happened. This needs to stop, so I aim to read two books this month to give my brain a break from studying every once in a while and to get back into my reading habits.

3) Do more sports! I haven't been doing much exercise lately and I begin to feel really unfit so this month I will get back into it, take some time in the mornings for a few squats and sit-ups, go for brisk walks and bike rides and most of all: make use of that Gym membership card that gets dusty in my wallet. That bikini body ain't coming from nowhere.

4) Eat healthier! I always try to do this but what with my birthday and Easter last month I got a little off track. All the food and chocolates! Pizza nights and cakes! Oh my I just couldn't resist. But now it's time to cut down on the sweets again and feed my body healthier foods to get in shape for summer.

This is my list of goals for the month of May. What do you want to achieve this month? Are any of these aims on your lists as well and what do you do to actually reach your goals? Tell me in the comments below.

Jess x

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6 Kommentare

  1. I can relate to so many of these goals, I'm working so hard at uni but some of the subjects take up so much time, I love reading too but whilst I'm at uni I just never seem to be bothered to read, in summer I plan to read loads, lovely idea for a blog post

    1. Thank you! My summer reading list is endless too! Summer would need to be at least two months longer for me to get through all the books I want to read haha :) Good luck with your uni work! x

  2. I really need to be better with uni work, luckily I don't have any exams, but I do have a few deadlines coming up which I really need to start working on! I also am trying to eat healthier, and I recently gave up sugar so Im trying to stick to that.
    Good luck with your goals! I've got a post on my blog about my goals for May if you'd like to have a read.

    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine

    1. Good luck with your essays this months Emma! Wow you really managed to quit shugar? That's super impressive I don't think I could ever do that and stick to it! x

  3. lovely :) great goals :)
