
Summer Essentials

So with temperatures of around 30°C we can now officially claim that summer is finally upon us here in Germany. I spent the last week in shorts and camis, sunbathing in the garden while sipping ice tea and I even bought a new bikini in celebration of the arrival of hot weather (any excuse.. haha). ...

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My Workout Playlist

As you may know from my May Goals post I wanted to get back into working out more and make going for a run or to the gym a regular weekly occurence. ...

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Healthy Oat Bites Recipe

Today I wanted to share with you a quick and easy recipe for some delicious oat bites. They're so super easy to make because you can basically add whatever ingredients you like, or swap some ingredients you don't like for similar ones that are more to your taste. ...

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Life Through Instagram

I decided to share a couple of Instagram photos with you today. I love Instagram, I post way too much and spend way too much time looking at other people's photos but you know it's just such a nice way to share photos and show what you've been up to. So here are some bits and pieces I've been sharing with my Instagram...

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Footwear Sunday: Espadrilles

I've been trying to find the perfect pair of Espadrilles for a long time now. I wanted to get some last summer but couldn't find any that I liked and that fit me at the same time. So when I casually scrolled through the Zalando website a couple of days ago and these came on screen I just knew they were the ones! ...

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Perfect Hairstyles

Monthly Goals: MAY

I wanted to start this new series of monthly posts in which I'll share my goals and aims for the next four weeks with you guys. Maybe you can relate or have useful tips on how to reach certain goals? It would be great if we could help each other out a little bit. Also I think that writing my goals down and...

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